It is essential to hire a bodyguard for the protection of celebrities, politicians, business tycoons, and other eminent personalities in the society. Apart from the national security measures put in place by the government, there is a need for important personalities to hire a bodyguard in London to protect against possible terror attacks or threats.

If you are hosting an important event that will feature VIPs, it is imperative that you hire a bodyguard in London to protect the VIPs and keep them safe during the event, at their hotels and on their way to the venue. Nothing reassures guests at an event more than the presence of close protection officers whose physique alone acts as a visual deterrent.

Safety is of the essence; nobody ever wants to be caught off guard. If you are bringing a VIP to an event, exhibition show, dinner, or product launch, it is important you do your utmost to keep them safe. And to do this, you have to hire a bodyguard.

When providing your guest with a bodyguard, you have to make sure that your guest is comfortable with the bodyguard since they will be together until the event is over. Besides, the bodyguard must have certain qualities as explained below:

1. Must be trained according to the SIA Standards and licensed.

2. Must have credible skills such as first aid, conflict management and resolution.

3. Must practice martial arts or some form of physical self-defense.

4. Must be discreet and remain 100% confidential.

5. Must possess great communication skills .

6. Must be intuitive to anticipate the adversary’s movements and prevent possible attacks on the clients.

7. Must have a driving license and ideally be advanced driver trained.

Contact a reputable security company in London to hire a bodyguard and keep your guests, VIPs, and family safe and adequately protected. Your clients and family are important, and you should offer them the best close protection services available. Remember to hire a bodyguard from a well-respected company to ensure you have an exceptional experience.

Author's Bio: 

Matt Wilson is a Motivational Speaker, a Technology Enthusiast, A Health Freak and a Proud Father