In this day and age, stress has become a part of our everyday life. While some amount of stress is good because it helps us stay focused, clear headed and alert, too much stress has a lot of negative impact on the well being of a person. It has an effect on the physical and psychological health of the person and can lead to behavioral problems. If you have to deal with a lot of stressful situation in your life, then it is best that you know some instant stress relief techniques.

Here are some of the most effective stress relief techniques:

Deep Breathing: When you are overly stressed out, the muscles in your chest area tend to contract and your breathing becomes shallower and shorter. When you breathe deeply, this contraction eases up and you will find yourself feeling relaxed. Every time you feel overly stressed out, just pause for a moment and take a few deep breaths.

Take a mental break: This is another very effective instant stress relief technique. This means, just think of something pleasant like your last vacation of your favorite movie, for a few minutes. This works wonders in relieving stress instantly and you will feel energetic and rejuvenated after this mental break. You perspective on the situation will also change and you will be able to deal with what is stressing you in a more effective manner.

Humor : Humor is not called the best medicine for nothing. A little laugh can work wonders when it comes to dealing with stress. Read a few jokes or visit a humorous website. Do anything that tickles you funny. If you find no resource, just find yourself a quiet corner and start laughing. This may sound strange at first, but soon, you will find yourself being able to laugh more and more easily. Carry on until you reach the stage of full belly laugh. This little exercise is highly therapeutic and will leave you feeling like a new person.

Take a Walk: If it possible for you to take a break and go outdoors for a little walk, it will do you a lot of good and will help clear your mind and bring your stress levels down. If it is not possible to go outdoors, just remove your footwear and walk bare feet on the floor for a few minutes. Try reducing the speed of your walk as you keep walking along or around a room. You will feel a lot calmer when you are done walking .

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If you are interested in this subject and want to know more then you might want to read the guide to instant stress relief on a web site dedicated to stress management.