Okay, so I’m a silly chica. Monday through Saturday I work an average of 15 hours a day. I know, I know, got to slow down. Hard to do because I just delight in what I do. But, when Sunday comes around, look out—life gets better. All day is dedicated to the Lord, family , and friends.

This past Sunday night I had two lovely friends over.

“Got any sugar for the coffee?” one asked.

“Hmm…” I said as I opened the cabinet door, “Let’s see, sugar, sugar…”

With that prompting, the three of us broke out in that long-ago song by The Archies, “Sugar, Sugar, you are my candy girl…” Yes, the lyrics bounced through the walls in that catchy tune.

Okay you young ones out there don’t know what I’m talking about. But that was a great, bouncy, sing-along song. What can I say? Those lyrics stick in your brain like gum in your hair. Don’t know why it happens, but sometimes lyrics from over 40 years come back as if we just heard them on the radio.

Could it be that God designed our memory capabilities in amazing ways? But no doubt, rather than retain silly song lyrics, He wanted us to retain His Word, His mighty Word that pierces all evil, moves mountains, echoes through humanity and forgives our crazy ways.

I decided to make it easy on myself. Since I don’t have tons of Bible verses in my head, I chose to remember three most important stages of life:

We go through the dark pit of trials.
We’re tested, our faith , and our trust in God is tested.
And finally, we come out a bit tattered on the outside, but inside, we shine with victory.
David must have tried this scenario too:

“For you, O God, tested us; you refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance ” (Psalm 66:10-12).

Father, it’s that place of abundance that you prepared for me that I forget sometimes…I fill my mind with everything of this world, but fail to remember that you do indeed lift us from the darkest valleys. Grant me the gift of memory so I may never forget your power to always bring the abundance of your love, the richness of your provision and the timely rescue from all we face. In Jesus’ name, amen.

What has you overwhelmed right now?
Has your memory failed as you forgot His mighty power?
What verse from His Word sings the lyrics of His promise to you?

Author's Bio: 

Although blind, Janet Perez Eckles will teach you practical steps to triumph over adversity, how to soar to success, overcome obstacles, and recover joy and confidence. She inspires thousands through her work as a keynote speaker, writer and author of #1 bestselling inspirational book, Simply Salsa: Dancing Without Fear at God’s Fiesta, Judson Press, 2011.
