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The Journal of the American Medical Association published in November has found that THIS, taken by 60% of people over 65-years-old, may be killing a significant number of senior citizens.

Sharyl Attkisson, a former investigative journalist for CBS, reported the study shows there is no improvement in mortality rates among senior citizens who get flu shots, and may actually contribute to increased ill-health and death .
The study “got little attention,” she says, “because the science came down on the wrong side.” Whereas the researchers had set out to prove that the push for massive flu vaccination would save the world, the researchers were “astonished” to find that the data did not support their presupposition at all. The data actually shows that deaths increased, not decreased, among seniors following vaccination.
Johns Hopkins scientist, Peter Doshi, Ph.D., issued a report in the prestigious British Medical Journal asserting that the CDC policy of routinely recommending the flu vaccine is actually based on “low quality studies that do not substantiate claims.” He says there is no evidence that the vaccine reduces deaths among senior citizens. Interestingly, Doshi cites an Australian study which found significant risks for children as well, stating that “one in every 110 children under the age of five had convulsions following vaccinations in 2009 for H1N1 influenza.”
During the drug trials for the Fluzone flu vaccine, 23 seniors out of 3,833 died after receiving the shot, according to the drug’s package insert, reported by other news agencies. Another 226 experienced “serious adverse effects.” The manufacturer denies any connection between the deaths and the flu vaccine.
Seniors Told Get Flu Vaccine
There appears to be growing public skepticism that the flu vaccine is as beneficial as the experts say. This level of doubt is strongly correlated to the incidence of accounts of research fraud in the vaccine industry, an industry which makes billions of dollars of profit every year.
Often when an article about the dangers of a vaccine comes out, there are people who write in to tell about a family member who was harmed by the vaccine, and the flu vaccine for senior citizens in no exception. A number of people have written to report that their grandmother, or uncle, or brother died shortly after getting a flu shot, sometimes after receiving their first ever such shot. Their stories are frequently minimized, yet the government pays out more compensation from the flu vaccine than any other vaccine.
Despite this, it is expected that senior citizens will line up for their annual flu shot.
A nursing home near Atlanta, Georgia, now reports devastating outcomes to such a policy, according to Health Impact News. All of the residents of the Hope Assisted Living & Memory Care were given a flu vaccine on Friday, November 7. Each one of the senior citizens developed an immediate fever. Within the week following, five of them had died. The source reports that the facility’s typical pattern is one or two losses every six months, frequently due to Alzheimer’s.
“The facility is not saying they are related to the flu shot but …”
Questions must be asked, then, such as: do the benefits of getting a flu vaccine outweigh the risks, especially among vulnerable senior citizens?? I guess the real question is how many senior citizens die of influenza, who are not immunized versus those who are…that is the million dollar question….

Of course, there are many natural alternatives available to flu vaccinations. Many, many herbs have an anti viral effect. Visit our immune boosters in my store! FREE Shipping! Boosting the immune system in various ways is very effective in warding off flu. Also, regular moxibustion treatments, which I perform on clients throughout the cold season are miraculous at preventing flu! Should you wish to do this naturally, please contact us for an appointment. We are offering $25 off until January 31st, based on availability. Also, simple dietary changes such as eating shitake mushrooms can have a great effect on the immune system. Next week I will discuss 10 signs of chronic kidney disorders...the kidney organ is the root of health in Chinese Medicine. SignUP so you don't miss it. Also "like" my facebook page for great health tips.

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Author's Bio: 

Dr Taryn DeCicco of Apple A Day Clinic in Arlington Heights, IL has been practicing Naturopathy and Acupuncture, specializing in acne, skin, and digestive disorders for over 16 years,