It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who are so concerned with their visual image, watching their weight, working out, donning the most recent style of clothing, and yet are totally in the dark when it comes to the sound of their speaking voice. If you are plagued with a voice that is nasal, whiny, high-pitched and thin, you are not doing justice to your visual image.
People recognize you by the sound of your voice. Unfortunately, how you think you sound and how you actually sound are two different ball games. When you leave a message on your voicemail and play it back, what does it sound like to you? Certainly, it is different than how you sound in your head. For many people, it is a shocking, unpleasant experience because what they hear is not recognizable: it is not how they hear themselves.
The truth, unfortunately, is that however unpleasant that voice may sound on your voicemail, answering machine, camcorder, or other type of recording equipment, it is the image you project vocally. It is how others recognize you.
What is that sound saying about you? If you find it embarrassing, how do think others perceive it?
A whiny, nasal voice in a male leaves the impression of a wimpy man because excessive nasality raises the pitch (highness or lowness of sound – not the volume which deals with loudness or softness) of the voice. A high-pitched voice in a man does not exude masculinity or sensuality whereas a voice similar to that of Vin Diesel, Sean Connery or George Clooney does.
The female voice that is high-pitched and nasal is irritating and, in the long run, a turn-off. Often, the strident female voice gives one the impression of a bimbo as well. When Hollywood wanted a sensual voice to portray Jessica Rabbit in the movie, Who Framed Roger Rabbit? , they didn’t select Fran Drescher. Instead they chose Kathleen Turner.
You have a better voice inside. It is just a matter of finding your optimum or ‘real’ voice by allowing your chest cavity to power your sound. Most people are unfamiliar with this technique because most are using their other 4 resonators and not including their chest, the most powerful and largest of the 5 resonators. If, for example, your voice is characterized by excessive nasality, then your nose is your primary resonator.
When you find your ‘real’ voice, you will discover a voice that is richer, deeper, warmer, and much more sensual. And, you won’t be embarrassed hearing that fantastic voice on your voicemail to boot!
The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It! , the only video training program on voice improvement. Visit Voice Dynamic and discover the best means to sounding more mature.
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