Breast cancer therapy is a major process related to the disorder and can be carried out in various ways. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment are the three major forms of cure for the disorder. Therapy has to be undergone in accordance with the intensity of breast cancer symptoms displayed by the victim and the time of breast cancer diagnosis .

Breast Cancer Therapy in Detail

Breast cancer may occur in ducts or lobules of breast. Infection arising in ducts is known as ductal carcinoma in situ and is highly common in women suffering from cancer of breast. Duct is a kind of linkage between nipples and breast and helps in flow of milk from breast to nipple. Cancer arising in ducts is primarily non-invasive but may cause severe consequences if not eliminated in time.

Lobular carcinoma in situ is a form of malignant infection arising in lobules. Lobules are responsible for production of milk in breast and infection in this region directly affects the ability of women to produce milk for breast-feeding new-born babies. Hence, both types of breast cancer are risky and can also be fatal if left untreated for a long time. Breast cancer survival rate is quite high in early phases but decreases considerably in higher stages.

Cancer of breast can be wither primary or secondary and may develop in any regions of breast. Unusual discharge from nipples, breast pain or irritation, swelling or inflammation in breast areas, change in breast appearance due to unknown reasons and detection of raised mass or lumps in or near the breast areas are some of the major early signs and should be given due attention.

Along with type and origin of cancer cells, breast cancer therapy also depends on other aspects like age and race of the victim. The disease is more common in old people and risk of infection increases with age. Black women are less prone to the disorder as compared to white ones. Also, the cases of breast cancer are high in women used to smoking and alcoholism.

Major Breast Cancer Therapies

Surgery is the most basic therapy for the disease. It can be carried by partial or complete removal of tissues present in breasts. Lumpectomy is a surgery for removal of tumors along with only a few tissues surrounding the affected area. Mastectomy eliminates tumors completely along with complete removal of breast tissues. Cryotherapy is a kind of therapy wherein the tumors are treated with liquid nitrogen. Other forms of surgeries include lymph node removal and breast reconstruction.

Chemotherapy is a kind of breast cancer therapy wherein the tumors are treated by intake of medically prescribed drugs or treating the polyps with strong anti-cancer chemicals. Radiotherapy is a process of eliminating tumors by radiation exposure to suitable amount of radiations.

Hormonal therapy is another option that can be used to control growth of a hormone called estrogen in the victim’s body and prevent it from causing further damage. Targeted therapies are some other options that can be considered to treat tumors that are limited to certain areas and have less chances of metastasis. Some therapies are also available to minimize side-effects of breast cancer treatments undergone and help in minimizing sufferings of the victim.

Breast cancer therapy needs to be undergone under thorough medical assistance as any deviation from the necessary form of cure may cause major impacts in long-term. Therapy is closely related to the output of diagnosis process. Thus, one must ensure undergoing thorough and reliable diagnosis pattern.

Author's Bio: 

Caren lee is a medical adviser, providing the information about cancer.For more information of breast cancer therapy and breast cancer visit web site