Changes in our life come disguised as the ultimate human freedom.


Because the ultimate human freedom is power to choose, to respond to change and not to remain in overwhelm, frustration and fear.

Initially change does not usually appear as feelings of freedom!

Based on my past experiences, there have not been too many that initially bring with them feelings of freedom! However, there is one I can recall that was an anonymous gift of money ($4,000) I received, that changed the course of my life. It restored my faith in humanity!

Heck, changes in life can be catastrophic and life changing, such as the loss of a loved one, relationship challenges, job losses, children leaving home, mental illness, abuse , money issues just to mention a few.

The opportunity for developing self-awareness and personal development presents itself through these situations.

Remember, you have the power to choose to respond to changes occuring in your life.

Seek out people who can best support you.

Gather a ”pit-crew” that can best support you in a safe and loving way. Include people you trust, professionals associated with your challenge, family and friends.

We all need a fantastic ”pit-crew” for when the wheels fall off!

Who do you have in yours?

The race of life is being run, arm yourself with the best support!

In the middle of difficulty lifes opportunity.

Author's Bio: 

Gail O’Keeffe is an Author and highly experienced Inspirational Mentor for survivors of childhood sexual abuse @ .

Gail helps women who have experienced childhood sexual abuse to fast track their healing and empowerment utilising cutting edge energy psychology techniques.

She has facilitated and conducted numerous online TeleClasses and Your Growing Joy Mentoring sessions.

Gail’s greatest gift is her genuine love of people. She has a very warm and nurturing personality, a wonderful sense of humour, in-depth intuition, with a natural ability to reach out to others and touch their hearts.

Gail has encountered many changes throughout her life. This stirred the passion to study and embrace tools, strategies and techniques that has enabled her to navigate her sometimes very difficult path of life.

She has now integrated that wealth of information with her own experiences and developed a common sense approach for overcoming the trauma of childhood sexual abuse.

Gail brings a special brand of empathy to her role as a Mentor, teaching empowering cutting edge strategies and techniques to women that assists them to lead happier and more fulfilled lives.

She specialises in mentoring, supporting, facilitating, and inspiring women to live successful, happy and content lives. Free of indecision, guilt, stress, confusion and painful histories.

Gail is also the founder of Care Notes: Discover the little joys of life!

A 20 week f'ree e-course for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Visit here to receive your weekly dose of self-care.

Gail resides in Brisbane, Australia with her husband of 23 years, her two children and cat.

Qualifications:Inspirational Mentor, Author, Survivor, Certified Life Transformation Coach and Teacher, Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Pellowah Healing Technique©, Kinesiology, Shell Essences, Aura Light Healing, Faculty Member of I.I.H.S.C., Undertaking Diploma of Counselling, Majoring in Abuse, Grief & Loss.