The stages of Team Development such as Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing is widely written and discussed – so I don’t intend to cover here.

However I’d like to share my views on how teams succeed…

Teams succeed when…

1. The team members support each other

a. The whole team knows what is going on

b. Internal relationships are invested in

c. They worked together on major issues, concerns or changes

d. They bring their own individual strengths ‘to the table’

2. The team has shared goals that they are committed to

a. There is a collective vision and they have one ultimate purpose

b. The team is cared for and their reputation is created by themselves

3. They handle constructive conflict

a. They debate differences openly

b. Once decided, they support the decision

4. There is individual and collective accountability for results

a. They all have clear objectives and deliverables

b. They take ownership of their deliverables

5. The team result means more than individual success…and they deliver results…consistently

a. They have a passion for success

b. They deploy resources to the best opportunity

c. They are rewarded for the success of the whole team

So are your teams’ goals clear?

Do individuals know what is expected of them?

Do individuals have the right skills and confidence to succeed?

Do the systems and processes in place make it easy?

Do the incentives promote the right behaviours?

Is the communication relevant, regular and responsive?

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