From the moment we are born we start a process of communication between ourselves and those around us. Inherent in all of us is a need for attention and to impress others. How well we do it determines our rewards in life. For this reason it is vital that we develop the image we would like to project to the world.

Self-examination is a good starting point, but this would serve very little purpose if we do not even know what defines our identity. Knowing who and what you really are will place you in a position to re-invent yourself before launching yourself to the world and quickly establish a benchmark brand for your refurbished identity. So, who are you really?

From the point of birth you started becoming aware of an environment filled with sights and sounds. Soon all five of your physical senses were active in absorbing all there was to offer from one phase of your growth to the next. After years of nurturing, love and affection, and having completed your education, you were ready to face the world that would reward you for your services. The question is, what did you have to offer and what could the sea of humanity expect from you?

Everything you have ever absorbed through your five senses from birth to the present has worked together to form your personality and character. Your thoughts are limited to your experiences and your spoken words will be based on your thoughts. You are what you think and say.

You might have a leaning towards certain traits, tendencies and habits , mainly because of the constant exposure to your parents and peers who have displayed these oddities. You are “filled” with the memories of your life experiences, with all the actions, decisions and choices ever made and words ever spoken. Your intellect has developed as a consequence of these experiences.

You are, therefore, the sum total of what you have seen, heard, smelled, tasted and touched. All of this, put together, represents your word. As a “sense-knowledge” creature, the only thing you can offer the world is your word. People judge you by your word, for you and your word are one. Your personality and character consist of your unspoken word (thoughts produced by your intellect) and your spoken word. As a living, walking human creature, you are a “holder” of a word with your name on it. From the world’s point of view, you are nothing more than that.

If anyone should ask of you, “Who are you?” you might as well answer, “I am my word, and the name of my word is John Smith”. Or if someone named Mary paid a visit to your home today, then you could say that the word of Mary was with you today. Ever thought of it that way?

This, then, is your identity – your word. But it does not stop there. This word of yours is also your book of life. You’ve been writing your very own book since birth. You add pages to it every day and you will do so until your life ends.

Now that you know exactly who you are, are you going to make your book a boring one? Or are you going to make it a bestseller? Get off the couch. It’s filling up pages in your book. There are autograph hunters out there and they’re looking for a good book. Let it be yours.

Author's Bio: 

Jack Vorster, now retired, has a background in marketing/advertising. Enjoys writing on the subject of the human make-up. Has just completed his newest ebook, "The Weight Loss Revelation" which looks at the three areas of weight overload in the human make-up and which systematically defines how to shed this three-fold burden.