The spirit of fear within the inner man is uncompromising. If allowed to take over the reins, it will gallop along and increase speed in order to produce the substance of what is feared without regard for the consequences.

Our display of frustration, irritation, depression or anger does not emanate from the brain, but from the heart of the spirit, which is the seat of man’s consciousness, individuality, mind, intellect, emotion and, of course, the location of the memory archives.

The Bible speaks of a troubled spirit; an anguished spirit; a jealous spirit; a hardened spirit; a sorrowful spirit; a contrite spirit; a broken spirit; a steadfast spirit; a hasty spirit; a provoked spirit; a haughty spirit; a humble spirit; a vexed spirit; a patient spirit; a proud spirit; a heavy spirit and many more expressions to do with emotions. This certainly serves to prove that the spirit part of man forms the conscious, living part of man.

The spirit of fear is the offspring of man’s inner emotions. It readily steps in to gather all of these emotions and turn them into passengers on a runaway freight train.

This fear-laden emotional state of the spirit of man can hugely influence the health of the physical component. Negative emotions feed through from the spirit to the brain, telling the brain to bring the body into line with the spirit’s emotional level and to express it to the world of fellow humans. The poor body, a mere attachment to the big “boss” inside, has no option but to oblige, but not without dire consequences to itself. Indigestion problems follow, blood pressure changes take place, sugar levels run amok, etc, etc. It is amazingly ironic that man’s spirit itself, through its stressful behaviour, can be responsible for causing destruction to its own physical abode.

Your spirit is the life of your body and the latter simply animates the former. Your spirit (the real you) is in charge of what your body eats or drinks, not because it has any preferences, but because your body has no life without the spirit. Your spirit (the real you) controls the words that flow over your physical tongue. Your spirit (the real you) determines where your body goes when walking or driving.

And so we find that the emotions of the inner spirit-man have been shaping our lives - both spiritually and physically. Mental disorders (state of the spiritual mind as a result of fearful spiritual emotions) have brought about insanity in some and eating disorders have transformed others into vastly oversized human beings. Of course, most of the latter do not have a “medical condition”. They are directly responsible for their dilemma through not considering the fact that their bodies are there for the sake of their spirits. Their spirits simply allowed the over-indulgence.

The solution? Throw the spirit of fear off that moving train, stop the train, sit down – and think. Life is but a vapour, here one moment and gone the next. Why ruin such a brief, beautiful moment by filling it with negative emotions? Your spirit is the bearer of love, power and a sound mind. Use it to start taking control. As a spirit being living within a physical body tell yourself that you’re moving in a new direction of spiritual and physical wellness .

You (your spirit) can talk to your body and tell it to respond in the way you want it respond. It HAS to OBEY you. After all, you’ve always been in charge, but this time the commands will be different and positive. You’re no longer on a runaway freight train to disaster. You’ve stepped over to a leisurely, but productive trip on a luxury tourist bus. Force yourself to enjoy the journey through the uncertainty of life. There’s a name for this kind of life. It’s called faith !

Author's Bio: 

Jack Vorster, now retired, has a background in marketing/advertising. Enjoys writing on the subject of the human make-up. Has just completed his newest ebook, "The Weight Loss Revelation" which looks at the three areas of weight overload in the human make-up and which systematically defines how to shed this three-fold burden.