The Traditional And Contemporary Geography Paradigm And Its Explanations

Lecturer- - Paradigm is the same scientific perspective, including assumptions, procedures and findings that are recognized and accepted by a group of scientists and finally recognized by the general public. As a relatively long-standing imu, geography also experienced a paradigm shift in its studies. Ranging from traditional to contemporary times. 

The Traditional Geography Paradigm

For the development of this paradigm starting before the 1960s, during this period three geographical paradigms were developed namely:

Exploration Paradigm

This paradigm is marked by the discovery of new regions, shown by the efforts of mapping, drawing and gathering facts in new areas that are not yet known. In this activity produces writings, images, and maps that provide benefits for geographers to improve existing ones.

The nature of the products produced is in the form of descriptions and classifications of new areas that are supplemented by field facts. Because of this condition, many people refer to it as the era of geographical thought or geographical ideas in the form of a simple description of the arrangement and classification of data that is still very simple.

Paradigm Environmentalism

For this paradigm is a continuation of the previous paradigm, the drive to increase products more accurately and in detail requires researchers to take deeper measurements related to physical elements. Well this paradigm was popular at the end of the XIX century.

For forms of in-depth analysis such as morphometric analysis, cause and effect, and network analysis are highly developed. In further developments, it can be seen from the analysis of the relationship between humans and the environment. For this relationship shows that humans no longer accept nature as it is.

Paradigm Regionalism

In this paradigm arises or there is a synthesis of human relations and the environment, to bring up the concepts of the region. Some concepts that arise are the division of regions based on their type, formal and functional. Also zoning based on hierarchy and category. In addition, temporal analysis also develops at this time.

Contemporary Paradigm

For this period marked by the development of quantitative analysis methods, building models and spatial analysis. Until this time it was called the paradigm period of spatial analysis. Geographically, Coffey revealed the characteristics of the contemporary geography paradigm, namely the specialization in geography that resulted in the study of geography as if it were separate. This condition led to the emergence of a systems approach in geography to make geography return to its nature.

As a science, geography has a concept that distinguishes it from other sciences, the following in the concept of geography.

  • The concept of location is in this concept divided into two namely absolute location and relative location. Absolute location is related to latitude and longitude. The relative location is the location of the place seen from other regions.
  • The concept of distance is this concept has an important meaning in social life, economic or defense interests.
  • The concept of affordability is accessibility not always related to distance, but also terrain.
  • The concept of pattern is that this pattern is related to the arrangement, form or distribution of phenomena in the face of the earth.
  • The concept of morphology is this concept related to the formation of the morphology of the earth.
  • The concept of agglomeration is the concept of agglomeration explaining why a geographical phenomenon tends to cluster.
  • The concept of usability value is this concept related to the use value of an area, each region has potential that can be developed, so that the value of its use is optimal.
  • The concept of interaction / interdependence is a mutual relationship or arises between several things.
  • The concept of area differentiation is this concept emphasizes that between one place and another there are differences.
  • The concept of the interconnectedness of the room is the difference in the potential of the area between one and the other that will cause or encourage interaction in the form of exchange of goods, people, or culture.

Thus the discussion of the  Traditional and Contemporary Geography Paradigm and its Explanation, hopefully with this review can add insight and knowledge to all of you, thank you very much for your visit you can also read more here .

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Davu Siva is an enthusiastic blogger & SEO expert. He is digitally savvy and loves to learn new things about the world of digital technology. He loves challenges come in his way. He prefers to share useful information such as SEO, WordPress, Social Media, Paid Advertising, Local Marketing and etc. His provided knowledge helps the business people,app developers and designers, and Guest bloggers to stay ahead in the digital competition.