If you own a local business, you may be wondering if blogging is worth time and energy when you are already stretched thin.

The quick answer is a big YES! Blogging on a regular basis is a fairly easy, economical way to improve your inbound marketing efforts, drive traffic to your site, & attract more possible customers. Writing content that addresses questions being asked by your audience will help with your dwell time substantially and allow users to get to know your brand.

Blogging, mainly when merged with social media, is an influential way to promote your local business online.  Sharing your content  on Google My Business helps index your content very quickly. If you use content syndication tool and share across other social profiles, you can quickly see how your traffic, lead volume, trust and credibility increase in the eyes of Google and your audience.

Now, can you imagine that there are still lots of small business owners that are uncertain as to whether or not to  start a business blog .

Having a blog for your business can not only boost the organic traffic to your website, but it can be a game-changer in your lead generation or online sales efforts. The organic advantages with having quality, fresh content that ranks for game changing long tail queries on multiple search engines is not only great for keeping your impressions rising but also sends signals to the Google Core Algorithm to re-index your site.

Blogging Forces You to get to The Core of Your Offer

Let’s begin with the most obvious – a blog provides you fresh content to push to your spectators that keeps them engaged. It gives you a motive to post on social media besides announce a sale that’s happening or trying to sell your goods to your clients. Several people following you on social media are people who have already bought something from you. If you desire for them to remain a follower, constantly posting about why they should purchase your product will get them clicking the ‘Unfollow’ button real quick. But, posting a teaser to your most up to date blog post will get them clicking on your profile, your website, & get them engaged further than a ‘like.’ 

Great for More driving traffic

A main reason all local business needs a blog is to enhance their visibility. Put simply, the more blog content you generate, the more prospect you’ll have to show up in search engines & drive organic traffic to your website.

Blogs offer the ideal platform to support your SEO strategy. By generating fresh and well-written articles that incorporate long-tail keywords, images and videos, you’re boosting your probability of getting seen, generating traffic & converting leads.

The only expense is your time. (If you already have a website)

If you already own a website, all you have to do is include a blogging page to your website and start posting! This blogging page must be included in your web hosting package, effectively making running a blog free to you. The only charge is your time!

You can get feedback from your customers

High-quality business websites do a great job of giving clients the information they need, but it is generally done so in a static magazine way. There’s frequently no room to ask questions, comment on content, or start a conversation.

This is why a  business blog  is so influential. Especially on a WordPress Content Management System (CMS). It creates a two-way discussion with clients, leads and industry peers. With a more relevant tone and an interactive podium, you can encourage feedback and conversation in the comment sections of your blogs.


Having a blog not only offers a strong foundation for your advertising, it’s also fun and inspiring – and the best way to share ideas, generates new ones, and build a community of like-minded and engaged people.

Author's Bio: 

I am blogger