“Hey,” my friend wrote, “did you know you can add key words on amazon.com so your book can be easily found?”

Imagine that! I had no clue. I went right to the task. Actually, I went right to hubby. And I sweetly asked him to add , “ inspiration , encouragement, conquers, triumph, etc.”

So I’m hoping when folks search books with that theme, Simply Salsa will dance right on to their computer screen.

But I asked myself why I didn’t know that secret about key words? My friend closed his note by saying, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”

Silly yet brilliant because that’s how we walk around sometimes. We think we know, but we don’t know what we don’t know. And with a grin on our face, we sway to the rhythm of life, thinking we’re smart chicas (and chicos, too). Until a bomb drops, unexpected, and shatters our security. The damage goes deep into our soul, our trust and confidence crumbles.

And we walk around as if we didn’t know God’s power to conquer all, His mighty way to bring the answer, perfect and timely.

And we turn corners of anxiety as if we had no clue about the secret found in God’s security.

Or we don’t know how to tap into the confidence found in Christ, especially when our body is broken, our heart aches, or our bank account dries up.

The secret to security, sweet and permanent is to know His promise because He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).

Father, I don’t know why my thoughts don’t turn first to you when facing dark moments. Or why I don’t first seek your grace and power. I don’t know why fear still enters my heart. And I don’t know why my trust isn’t what it should be. But I thank you for giving me wisdom to understand my security comes when you are with me, choosing never to leave me or abandon me. I thank you for that gift in Jesus’ name, amen.

How would your situation look if you were confident in the truth that your security rests in Him?

How are you facing your tough moment? Not knowing the power of God? Or secure that He will bring relief?

What message did God’s Word have for you today?

Janet Perez Eckles

Author's Bio: 

Hey friends, a bit of sass and passion framed in God’s Word is what you’ll find in all my writing. The above is an insight from my #1 bestselling inspirational book,Simply Salsa: Dancing Without Fear at God’s Fiesta, Judson Press, 2011. Get your copy today at: http://amzn.to/pwDntn .

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