Americans are getting fatter and fatter by the year . Nearly 70% are over a healthy weight and 33% are classified as "obese" by the American Heart Association yet the diet / fitness industry made $2.4 BILLION last year. Something is NOT adding up.

I'm hear to tell you that you did not fail on your last diet or fitness program, IT FAILED YOU.

Slick marketing campaigns and great sales pitches are powerful and promises of " weight loss " by taking a pill or using a piece of equipment 10 minutes a day are tough to resist so don't blame yourself. The amazing "transformations" seen in many programs are even more spectacular and it's not your fault for falling prey to them or for not being able to conform to the crazy, all consuming schedules and/or diets most of them require.

With all of the hype and misinformation surrounding "weight loss" and "achieving a XXX body" , it's no wonder the only thing getting smaller are your wallets. Everybody is so focused on the newest diet or the latest exercise trend that most people (if not all) have absolutely no conception of the How's and Why's of a successful weight loss or fitness plan.

If you are sick and tired of wasting money and lining the pockets of those behind the slick marketing ads and sales pitches and are tired of losing the same weight over and over and feeling like a failure because your last "program" didn't work, read on because I'm going to share the secrets of not only creating the body of your dreams but of KEEPING IT once and for all.

You CAN make drastic, long lasting changes to your body and it doesn't involve the 1-2 lb a week myth, starving yourself, taking pills or crazy 5 or 6 day a week fitness programs.

It involves science and the utilization of these 6 components (all at the same time). I only cited a few research studies out of the thousands I've read over the year because I wanted to give you facts not overwhelm you with research. Lord knows I had enough of that while earning my MExPhys.


EFFECTIVE CARDIOVASCULAR TRAINING - Burn More Fat In Less Time & Stop training your body to store fat

EFFECTIVE RESISTANCE TRAINING - Sculpt and shape your body while you turn it into a 24/7 fat burning machine

PROPER NUTRIENT SUPPLEMENTATION - Give Your Body What It Needs To THRIVE not just Survive -

BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION - A healthy body starts with healthy habits

Social SUPPORT & MOTIVATION - To never let you give up on your goal

1. Proper Macronutrient Intake - Stop counting calories and start counting ingredients and food groups

The thermic effect of food tells us that all calories are NOT created equal. While it is important to have a basic idea what you are putting into your body, what's MORE important are the TYPE of calories you are putting into your body.

"Counting Calories" or "Eating Healthy" without having a proper conception of the correct macro nutrient break down for your daily intake is one of the biggest mistakes I see people make.

Protein burn more calories being digested than carbohydrates and fats (all 3 of which are needed in the proper amounts for optimum fat loss )

Calories from processed foods are more apt to be stored as fat because your body isn't sure how to process them. You can read a more detailed description of TEF HERE

2. Effective Cardiovascular Training - Burn More Fat in Less Time

If you want to lose stubborn fat from your butt, thighs and arms and lose those last 10 -15 lbs, STOP with the steady state cardio immediately. Conventional aerobic exercises are not a very effective way to lose weight, will age you (because of the increase in free radicals) will damage your joints (because of repetitive motions) and will train your body to STORE fat on top of messing up your fat burning hormones.

According to A study conducted by Wilson et al. From the University of Tampa, FL, "when you add in low intensity steady state cardio you get a temporary boost in weight loss . Subjects lost a couple of pounds the first week and after that they lost nothing. This happened because their metabolism completely adjusted to that and that became their new set point to what they had to do just to maintain. Steady state cardio with a low calorie diet is terrible for fat loss and could cause muscle loss. During a low calorie diet, steady state cardio is more catabolic (muscle wasting) towards muscle as opposed to High Intensity Interval training being much more muscle sparing."
Wilson, et al. Concurrent Training: A Meta Analysis Examining Interference of Aerobic and Resistance Exercise . University of Tampa, FL. J Strength Conditioning.

If you MUST do cardio, Sprint Interval Training is what you want to do.

A study in International Journal Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism divided two groups of male students and assigned them to do either 30 minutes of steady jogging, or 2 minutes of intensive sprint interval training – 3 times a week for 6 weeks. Researchers found that the interval spring training actually boosted the student’s metabolism the same amount as those who jogged, even though the joggers
exercised for 28 minutes more than the sprinters each session.

3. Effective Resistance Training -

If you want to blast fat, STOP doing machines and isolation exercises

The days of the " body building " isolation exercises are gone except among the few who are hell bent on hanging onto outdated modalities.

"Isolation exercises" to tone an area area and machines which work only one muscle group are completely ineffective except for the very few who are doing sport specific training, those who may not want to lose weight or who just having unlimited time to exercise . That having been said, they should only be used as a part of a well rounded program to avoid a myriad of problems.

There is no one "best" way for everyone however, research continuously points to MRT as single most effective way for most people to reach their goals with the least amount of time.

Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) is HIIT with added resistance training for more benefits .MRT is completing structural and compound exercises with little rest in between exercises in an effort to maximize calorie burn and increase metabolic rate during and after the workout. MRT, uses both strength and cardio exercises that are done as a circuit. For example, a squat with an overhead press is a great metabolic exercise because it simultaneously works your upper and lower body which also becomes a cardio workout since your heart rate goes up while doing the exercise . Several studies have shown that hormones that promote “lipolysis” (the technical term for fat loss ) increase as a results of high intensity strength training.

“Structural and compound exercises” is just a fancy way of saying exercises that require a maximum amount of energy because multiple joints and large muscle groups are involved.

Working muscles require energy (calories) . The more muscles your work, the more calories you burn, it's pretty simple.

Research shows that your calorie burn following MRT (EPOC) is significantly higher than taking a jog or traditional weight training. While calorie burn studies come to different conclusions as to the total calorie burn of metabolic training, it certainly burns a ton of calories. The calorie burn during a workout is easily around 500 calories for a 30 minute workout, but it also increases metabolic rate from anywhere between 10% to 25% for up to 48 hours, with some studies showing an increase in metabolic rate for up to even 72 hours. This equates to hundreds of extra calories, which over the course of a few workouts can become significant.

The extreme of metabolic training is Crossfit, where a few intense exercises will be repeated in a circuit with little to no rest to push the body to its absolute limit. This training is usually reserved for seasoned athletes and the military, but more recently has been taken up by average fitness enthusiasts for better, or worse.

One of the biggest issues I see with clients coming in from other camps or programs are one set of muscles over developed to it's opposing muscle and right to left side strength disparities. For example, most cross fitters I meet have quads over developed to their hamstrings, pectorals over developed to their upper back stabilizers and abdominals over developed to their lower backs.

One study published in the Journal of Obesity reported that 12 weeks of HIIT not only can result in significant reductions in total abdominal, trunk, and visceral fat, but also can give you significant increases in fat-free mass and aerobic power. In this study, in which young overweight males were randomly assigned to either HIIT exercise or a control group, the following health benefits were achieved by the exercising group doing just 20 minutes of high-intensity exercises (only a fraction of the 20 minutes is done at high intensity, the rest is recovery) three times a week for three months:

Aerobic power increased by 15 percent
Reduction of total fat mass: Nearly 4.5 pounds
Visceral fat reduced by 17 percent

A Canadian research team gathered several groups of volunteers, including sedentary but generally healthy middle-aged men and women, and patients of a similar age who had been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease.

The participants were asked to undertake a program of cycling intervals as their exclusive form of exercise. The results were that healthy middle-aged adults were able to improve their insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation after just two weeks of interval training (three sessions per week). A follow-up study also found that interval training positively impacted insulin sensitivity. In fact, the study involved people with full-blown type 2 diabetes, and just ONE interval training session was able to improve blood sugar regulation for the next 24 hours!

4. PROPER NUTRIENT SUPPLEMENTATION - Give Your Body What It Needs To THRIVE not just Survive - you must nourish your 4 trillion cells

The topic of nutrients and vitamin supplementation is one about which many volumes have been written and is a source of quite a bit of misinformation these days. I will touch briefly upon the basics. This is not meant to be prescriptive or to encourage maga doses but to stress the importance of nutrient supplementation to enhance your fitness program and ensure that your body functions optimally. Your individual needs will vary based on medications, diet, exercise program and environmental conditions.

With few exceptions, the body is unable to synthesize vitamins. They must be supplied in the diet or through supplements. There are 17 minerals essential to human nutrition which are important for maintaining physiological processes, strengthening skeletal structures, preserving the heart, brain, muscle and nervous systems.

While there are many out there who would dispute the value of nutrient supplementation, most researchers (including the AMA in their latest position paper) agree that it is a good idea to supplement your diet with vitamin and mineral supplements. Research has continually proven that food alone is not able to satisfy all the body’s nutritional needs and insure optimal functioning.

As a society, our dependence on highly processed foods, as well as the stress of our daily lives has a direct effect on our bodies’ nutrient supplies. Nutrient-depleted soil, the 15,000 (yes 15,000) known chemicals found in our foods, pollutants, exposure to ultraviolet light and frequent calorie restricted dieting are also contributing to our bodies’ inner decay.

Add to that things like alcohol, tobacco, antibiotics, coffee, sugar, corn, carbohydrates in excessive amounts and heat can all inhibit absorption and the need is clear.

With the addition of good, quality nutrient supplementation, I've literally seen children come off of ADD and ADHD meds, adults come off of blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar , pain and anxiety meds and folks of all ages with fewer carb cravings, increased energy , mental focus and better skin, hair and nails.

Sadly, One of the other things I see during consults are over zealous folks with cabinets full of what amounts to very expensive urine or a crap shoot because " herbs " are not regulated and you really have no idea exactly what you are putting into your body or how it will effect it. Adding vitamins or other supplements to your daily diet in random amounts because "this one" is good for burning fat and "that one" helps with anti aging is a recipe for very expensive urine and could be getting you the exact opposite of the result you seek.

Always remember, vitamins work synergistically meaning they work to help each other (be absorbed or produce results), Random vitamins or other supplements thrown together like a hail mary of health isn't only a waste of money but could actually be inhibiting your utilization. Once you have added a good, quality multi vitamin/mineral (and most likely a B complex and calcium for women) and let your body chemistry balance out and detox, THEN and only then should you consider adding targeted products.

5. Behavior Modification - A fit, healthy body starts with healthy habits

Simply put, dieting, eliminating entire food groups, starving yourself, living off of packaged foods, bars and drinks, taking pills and working out 5 days a week for a few months only to quit are NOT healthy habits .

Eating a well balanced diet that includes mostly whole foods with a touch of your favorite "junk food" , working out 2 or 3 hours a week for life, taking quality supplements and drinking water more and soda or sugared drinks less, scheduling workouts in your planner along with other important activities, hitting the outside aisles of the grocery store and pre planning/preparing your food are healthy habits.

The key to success here is to go slow. This is where most "diets" and "programs" fail. They expect you to change every aspect of your life, all at once.If you drink 0 water, haven't worked out in months (or years) and drink a gallon of soda a day and eat a fruit or vegetable a few times a week, start slow and aim for moderate changes doing a little more each week.

6. Social Support & Motivation - Never underestimate the power of your support network.

We all need accountability and friends to keep us motivated to show up when we don't want to, to give that little bit extra even when we think we can't or to just make that one, single healthy choice. I'm even a member of a running and triathlon training group to keep me focused and push me to be my best.

Be it online or in a boot camp or group fitness setting the power of being part of a social group has a large impact on our weight loss and fitness success.

Our group fitness clients and "How To Lose Weight & Reshape Your Body in 21 Days" customers who are a part of our facebook community get far superior results than our one on one clients (unless their social network is also comprised of healthy, fit minded people.)

According to Deborah F. Tate of the Brown Medical School, "the Internet appears to be a viable method for delivery of structured behavioral weight loss program "

I hope this article has given you some insight as to why your past attempts at achieving the body of your dreams have failed and some tips and tools to FINALLY have the body you deserve.

Author's Bio: 

Article written by Dianne Villano, an MExPhys, NASM CFT , author of “How To Lose Fat & Reshape Your Body in 21 Days” and “The Ultimate Belly Blast Program”. She is president of Custom Bodies and has been serving the Tampa Bay with cutting edge nutrition & fitness programs for 18 years. Miss Villano is a frequent speaker on health and fitness related topics with articles published in over 20 media outlets. You can grab a copy of her Special Report “22 Big Fat Lies Keeping You from The Body You Want” at