Before Adam received the breath of life from God his body was lifeless – his blood was not circulating, his inner organs were not functioning and he had no sense of consciousness or any awareness of his existence as an individual life-form. He might as well have been a tree stump lying on the ground.

Adam’s physical body was formed from the soil. The elements within the soil were manipulated by a divine hand to bring forth the substance and shape of this purpose-designed, very first, God-like creature. Eve’s body was “extracted” from Adam, which meant that she was an extension of the soil-sourced body of Adam.

Then came that miraculous moment. In order for Adam to become a living soul, he had to be “plugged in” to life. The only way for this to be accomplished was for Adam to receive a connection from LIFE itself. And that LIFE was God Himself. In fact, this LIFE was a spirit – and Adam was about to receive a part of God, that is, spirit-life. This Spirit-God of Life completed this creation process by “extending’ His Spirit-life to Adam, but also “inserting” a personality and individuality unique only to Adam, the first human being.

Suddenly, life-consciousness became a reality for Adam. He was “born” an adult. The power of the spirit within him energized every fibre in his body – and it began to function. His brain was now ignited. A surge of electrical impulses started up this powerhouse engine room. Adam’s spirit was now in charge of a physical body which, by means of his brain, would animate every spiritual act taking place within. In other words, Adam’s body was to be an outer reflection of the spiritual being within. More specific, His brain was a lightning-quick responder to instantaneously channel the motion, emotions, thoughts and speech of this spirit-creature within to the various parts of the body, such as limbs, facial expression and speech organs.

Childhood memories did not exist for Adam and Eve. They were ready-made adults complete with adult (spiritual) intelligence, wisdom and ability. It had to be so. They were the first. And they would raise their offspring to benefit from their God-set standards and experiences.

The purpose for their existence was made clear. They were to be God’s representatives on the Earth, taking complete control of everything and being responsible to God for it. They were fully equipped to do so, for they had the necessary creative power – like that of God – to apply to earthly circumstances. Any threats, onslaughts or attempts to wrest their God-given dominion over the Earth from their hands by other spiritual sources were to be thwarted by means of their own spiritual power.

They were given one single law to keep – that of obedience. Failure to keep this command would serve to plunge them into a state of spiritual death , meaning spiritual separation from God.

They were told to eat. God instructed them to eat of all the fruit and herbs (grain and other vegetable products) for obvious reasons. Their soil-sourced (“dust of the ground”) physical bodies would need to be rejuvenated, revitalized, energized and sustained from the very elements within the ground from which they were put together - through soil-sourced plants containing all the necessary minerals, vitamins and other vital elements. It was only much later that God added meat - another soil-sourced creation sustained by soil-sourced plants - to man’s diet .

Man needed good nutritional food in order to survive. And the Garden of Eden was a place of good healthy food and more good healthy food. But food was only intended for the “upkeep” of man’s physical body so that the spirit-creature within that earthly covering of bone, sinew and flesh could function through a healthy physical body.

It is clear, therefore, that we are very special spiritual creatures and we have to maintain a healthy body for the sake of our spirit and to remain in total awareness of this fact. The only reason we have become unhealthy, overweight human specimens is because we have lost sight of the fact that we are spiritual beings and that our bodies are merely coverings for the spiritual person within.

The way we should look at it is that food is for the body - and not the body for food. Gluttony and/or the eating of totally unhealthy food will serve to generate imbalances within, leading to sicknesses and diseases and finally, an early exit from the body for the real person within. It is that very real spiritual person within that really matters and taking good care of the physical body that covers it is vitally important.

So if you have a weight problem, why not pretend that your home is a shelter on a deserted island somewhere and that all the places where you can purchase fresh fruit, vegetables and grain products are extensions of your island and that you are forced to eat nothing else. Pastries, candy and processed foods simply do not exist on that island and, therefore, you have no need of them. Temptations offered by visiting family and friends are merely mirages. Invite them to your island shelter and introduce them to what’s good for them.

Author's Bio: 

Jack Vorster, now retired, has a background in marketing/advertising. Enjoys writing on the subject of the human make-up. Has just completed his newest ebook, "The Weight Loss Revelation" which looks at the three areas of weight overload in the human make-up and which systematically defines how to shed this three-fold burden.