Perhaps, as you read this article, you, like many other Americans, are fraught with concerns about the economic depression , the future of healthcare, increasing gas prices, global warming, disappearing rainforests, animal extinctions, and the permanent loss of earth’s natural resources. Consequently, perhaps you, like many Americans, live with underlying feelings of fear, angst, depression , or helplessness. Perhaps even, you, like many Americans, regularly use stimulants, addictive substances, or pharmaceuticals in an attempt to achieve some level of…relief? If you have any such feelings or habits , please read on.

My name is Gladys Wesley-Kennedy, Qi Gong master and founder of The WHAI.LLC (The Wellness and Healing Arts Institute). For the past ten years, people have come to our The WHAI Healing Program or Meditative Fitness classes, desperately seeking relief from chronic ailments—or worse—attempting to escape the untimely advances of the “Grim Reaper.” Many have, repeatedly, been failed by allopathic treatments and as a last resort, come to us. They come, yearning for a miracle through unconventional therapies like The WHAI Qi Gong healings, herbal medicine, or Meditative Fitness classes.

During initial health consultations, I am often dismayed by how woefully ignorant Americans are about their particular health challenges. For example, most do not know the correct name of their illness, its cause, or their physician’s name. They neither possess, nor have ever reviewed, their medical reports or records. Moreover, to treat their problem, they take prescription drugs—for years—without knowing the names, dosages, or why they’ve had to take them for so long.

The reality is, as Americans, we have access to the world’s most advanced medical system, but we allow ourselves to be pushed through it like blind, deaf, and dumb mutes. Furthermore, it is a system that does not work—yet we pay enormous sums of money to be failed by it. I was one such American. While stricken with breast cancer, I ignorantly (and out of fear), paid for surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, and an array of prescription drugs because, I was told, “…it was the leading protocol of cancer care.”

Based on my intimate experience as a former patient of our American medical system, and subsequent years of operating a holistic health practice, I can confidently make the following informed statement: there is no reason for Americans to continue to live with fear, ignorance, or dependence on a flawed medical system. I survived cancer, not because of the cancer protocol, but because I realized that until I found, forgave and healed the source of my “dis-ease,” nothing and no one could heal me.

That epiphany occurred to me while being treated by a Qi Gong master. During an intense energy healing session, I suddenly and spontaneously recognized the dis-ease patterns I had lived with and nearly died from, which were the accumulation of anger, resentment, fear, and self-loathing that resulted from years of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. I could see that, prior to the development of cancer, I had lived as most people do…I repressed or “self-medicated” my painful emotions and memories with excessive work, alcohol, coffee, pain medication, and the illusive pursuit of wealth and power. Consequently, I regularly suffered from migraines and back pain ; my relationships were strained; and I was habitually critical, judgmental, and extremely arrogant. Upon deeper reflection, I recognized that these internal “dis-ease” symptoms were precursors to the more fully matured and formed physical “dis-ease” of cancer. I concluded that since my mind, emotions and resulting lifestyle were cancerous, so too were my cells. That was my epiphany, and that was my cure. To live well…I had to begin to think and live right!

From that profound experience, I learned that to reestablish true good health and peace of mind, we do not need to solely rely on people or things outside of us. Instead, we need to “tune in.” In particular, we need to identify, forgive, and release the unconscious causative dis-ease patterns in our mind and daily life. Thus, the secret of true healing is to find and correct our deep inner sources of pain, sickness, and disease.

To begin a healing process, start by being mindful of how you think. Next, take an honest look at the quality of your thought patterns, daily life circumstances, and the condition of your relationships. In other words, identify aspects of your health and life that are out of balance or problematic. Then, one by one, forgive each by acknowledging the blessing each provides. Finally, release them by consistently replacing them with more positive or constructive thoughts and behaviors. For example, when I practiced forgiving my seemingly abusive perpetrators by recognizing the important lessons each had provided, and when I realized how much stronger and wiser I had become as a result of their presence and influence in my life, my healing was greatly expedited. Why? Because by doing so, my intrinsic healing powers were activated. Moreover, I learned that our most painful and difficult experiences are, in fact, our greatest teachers and gifts.

I now know that all of us are born with an innate healing mechanism that is powerful beyond measure. Our bodies are constantly deconstructing, rebuilding, and healing. This is a principle of life, and we can master that principle. Therefore, starting right now, endeavor to identify dis-ease patterns in your mind and habits, and one by one, replace them with improved ways of thinking and behaving. Specifically, recognize, forgive, and release each as they arise. Remember: wellness is your birthright, and the ability to heal yourself is your greatest intrinsic power!

Author's Bio: 

Gladys Wesley-Kennedy is a Qi Gong Master, author, holistic health educator, and the founder of The WHAI.LLC (The Wellness & Healing Arts Institute) and Meditative Fitness Programs. For more than twenty-five years, Master Gladys has been successfully designing and conducting educational holistic health and therapeutic fitness programs. She is particularly well respected in the areas of ancient Asian healing modalities, such as Qi Gong (energy healing), acupressure, meridian therapy, and herbal medicine. Due to her gifted hands-on healing work, thousands of people worldwide have recovered from debilitating sicknesses or life-threatening diseases. She has also written several published Zen philosophy and meditation related books, e.g., The Essence of Zen; The Doorway to Zen; and, Expressions from Within – A Poetic Journey of Awakening.Master Gladys has had the rare good fortune of living and studying Zen philosophy and the ancient healing arts with many revered and awakened Asian masters throughout Asia and the United States. Most importantly, as a result of her personally practicing the principles and methodologies learned, she is a breast cancer survivor who has since dedicated her life to the propagation of the ancient healing arts, holistic health education, and herbal medicine.