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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Summary of this week’s free, channeled “Creation Energies” 15-minute show: You will not change from a physical being to a gaseous or liquid state overnight. It is a process just as a block of ice shifts to liquid and then steam. October 28th is a day more like the difference between the months of April and October than the difference between days of October 20 and October 21.

Dear Ones,

October 28, 2011 is a day of concern or excitement for many of you.

There will be and have been energy shifts throughout this week – shifts are happening more rapidly and deeply than before. But October 28 is not the end of the world, your ascension date or a day that will live “in infamy.” It is merely another energy shift that will be a bit deeper than was true on the 26th or the 27th of October.

How do we, of the spirit world, know the depth of your energy shifts? There are many factors that are part of any energy shift including the sun, the stars, your physical being and earth. Some days those factors and others converge to give you a larger energy jolt than is true on other days. But not everyone feels the same jolt of energy – some do not feel energy shifts. Such is yet another indicator of your unique individuality.

That does not mean that those who do not feel a jolt are not as astute as those who do, but rather that those who do feel the energy are more attuned at this time. At the beginning of the United States Civil Rights marches or Vietnam war protests, not everyone felt the need to take part or even agree with the protesters. But within a matter of months, enough people agreed with the philosophies presented by the protesters that structures shifted dramatically. Of course, there are still a number of people who do not agree with either the Vietnam protests or the Civil Rights movement, but most did. Something similar is happening now.

Once enough people have shifted/moved into the light, structures will change accordingly. October 28th is one of those dates that will expedite that shift. The media will not note the date, but more people will feel the need to explore their unique being via their spirituality.

How will this affect you? Those of you reading Brenda’s Blogs will most likely notice some sort of shift on the 28th. Perhaps you will feel a bit foggy, anxious, crabby, sad or any number of feelings that are not necessarily justified by what happens to your physical being on that day. Others, who have not yet tapped into their spirituality, will probably feel a nagging need to do so. Not that they will do anything about it on the 28th or even within a month – but the seed will be planted.

If you already consciously part of this transition, you will find the need to become more deeply enmeshed in exploring your gifts and skills. You will want to participate in changing Old Age structures or creating new ones. You will not be content sitting by the sidelines waiting for the wondrous New Age earth. You will wish to create it. For you are the wayshowers/scout masters and wagon train leaders. Those who begin to awaken on the 28th are the pioneers. It is a wonderful package you created with other change agents before your birth in this lifetime.

Like waves in the ocean, the New Age is coming ashore – peacefully, calmly and lovingly.

Some of you are wondering how you can take part in the changes – or even if you want to do so. You have responsibilities including jobs, children and putting food on the table. What is your role? How, if at all, can you help with this transition? Some of you are even angry that you are being “pushed from within” to participate. You have no need to change anything – other than that little nagging voice that says to you, “Jump in and test the waters. This is fun.” And so it is and will be.

For indeed, you came to earth to change and refine the structures – to build a new world. And so you will step by step.

The thought of building a new world may seem overwhelming – and it would be if you were a single change agent. But you are part of a larger whole. Those of you who have worked on a project with others in fun and joy only to create something bigger than all of those participating, will understand what we are speaking of. Those of you not familiar with that concept have a new knowledge base of joy to look forward to. Even activities that are most often not pleasant, such as fighting in a war, create bonds of love between those open to the concept. Think of how much more fun this structural shift of love and joy will be.

Perhaps you fear that you do not have the skills, time or the energy to participate. We beg to differ. You will know what your piece is and when it is time for you to offer your piece for you are moving from within - not as a result of directives from outside your being.

If the United States declared war on a country that attacked it, many would immediately volunteer to serve their country. Think how much more fun it will be to take part in a group activity that creates joy from within instead of a “should” or have to. Some of you are participating in the Wall Street protests. Others are waiting to see how effective the protests are. And still others have no interest. That is how it will be for all new earth structural changes.

Perhaps you will wake up one day and decide to drive to a protest. Perhaps you will decide to create something that will make life easier for you and others like you. Or perhaps you will write something that will stir others to action. It does not matter. All are one.

The only requirement is that you fulfill your role in joy and love. There was only one Thomas Jefferson, but many militia who helped build the country we now know as the United States. All played the outer-directed role they felt a need to fulfill.

And so it will be for you. The difference is that you will fulfill a role based on your inner voice that may “speak” to you today, tomorrow or next year. But when you hear that voice, you will know exactly what you want to do – not have to do – but want to do in joy and fun. So be it. Amen.

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Author's Bio: 

Brenda Hoffman is an internationally noted author, speaker and prophet. Her most quoted book is the classic, channeled "A Glimpse of Your Future" available at www.Amazon.com and www.Barnes & Noble.com.

Prior to her retirement, Brenda held positions in corporate marketing, business management and social services. She has a Master of Science degree in sociology.

Brenda has returned to sharing her prophetic insights with others via her free, weekly, channeled blog "Brenda's Blog" and free, 15-minute, channeled radio show "Creation Energies" both available at www.LifeTapestryCreations.com