I was talking to one of my closest friends early this morning. We discussed some of the things in our lives that God has brought us through. As we talked, I thought about some of the things that life had brought my way. Then, I thought about the majesty of it all; how no matter what, God was always there. I thought about how majestic He is and how when the rain comes down in torrents, He is your umbrella and when you are bombarded with first one thing and then another, He is your hiding place. As we continued to talk, I personally remembered how His majesty, His goodness and mercy and peace have permeated my life even in tragedy and heartbreak! As my close friend began to read verses from a birthday card that her son (who has now departed this life at a young age) had given her, tears rolled down my cheeks, and my heart overflowed with joy because even though my friend had lost her son and we both are facing trials, we were still witnessing the majesty of God. He was allowing us to find comfort in a card from the past, and yet, it was timely this morning!My soul is still rejoicing as I sit, thinking about the goodness of God and the majesty of it all!But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined. Job 23:10-11 KJV Exodus 33:19 And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy. Exodus 33:18-20

Author's Bio: 

Bio of Dr. Emily Grant DeCarlo
Literacy Instructor for RoseBridge Community Arts, a program of the Hopewell Museum of Art and Intercultural History
Author, poet, educator, spiritual adviser, evangelist, consultant
B.A. Social Welfare Systems-Hampton University-Hampton, Virginia
M.Ed. Guidance Counseling-Hampton University-Hampton, Virginia
M.Ed. Special Education-Virginia State University- Petersburg, Virginia
Three year Leadership Training Institute- Chesterfield County Public Schools Leadership Program in conjunction with University of Richmond’s Jefferson School of Leadership
PhD.-Christian Education- 2007 Living Waters Biblical Institute-Petersburg, Va.
Special Education Teacher: Chesterfield County Public Schools- 1996-2011
Special Education Teacher: Petersburg Public Schools- 2011-2013
Associate Minister- Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, Hopewell, Va. 2003-present
Co-pastor- Bible Covenant Believers in Christ Deliverance Ministries, Petersburg, Virginia
Founder of The Grant DeCarlo Institute for the Healing Arts -2013
Licensed in ministry-July 1998-New Hope Christian Center-Hopewell, VA
Ordained as minister-May2007-Living Waters Biblical Institute, Petersburg, Va.
Inducted into Tau Sigma Delta honor society for contributions to Literature (Virginia State University Chapter)
Book: “Let it Shine” used as supplemental text for English 211 (creative writing class) at Virginia State University
Poem: “Epiphany” published in Essence magazine, January 2008 edition (page 116)
Published works (poetry): “Secret Dimensions”; “Full Moon Rising”; “True Stories”; “So You Can Know Me”; “Come Sunday Morning”
Research based published works: “Using Poetry to Promote Reading and Language Acquisition”
Other published works: “The Crab Effect” (inspirational book on handling the haters in your life based on the story of Joseph in the Bible);
Poetry CD entitled “Journey” 2009
Blog: “The DeCarlo Files” emilydecarlo.blogspot.com
Founder and executive director of WEN (Women’s Empowerment Network)-1992
Guest speaker and lecturer: various colleges, universities and churches throughout the United States.
Poetry for Healing Workshop and Books
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