The movie “ The Secret ” took the world by storm seven years ago. Most movies are forgotten by the time people get home from theaters. But The Secret is as popular today as it was all those years ago.

Maybe it is even more popular as it was a catalyst for many people to learn about the law of attraction and benefits that pursuit of LoA can bring to each individual.

You can evidence this by the massive number of personal bloggers that detail the experiences they had with LoA. Many bloggers also share their methods on how to better align your self with the law of attraction .

What is LoA

The essence of LoA is fairly simple. It says that things you focus on and things you think about are the very things you will attract into your life. So, if you are a negative and pessimistic person always expecting the worst, you will get the worst back.

What you put out to the universe, it provides.


Some examples of LoA at work may be when you are thinking about a specific person, someone you may have not seen in a while, and in a few days you happen to meet them. You would usually brush this aside and attribute it to coincidence.

Or what about the time when you are thinking of buying a new car. Finally you chose a car that is unique and that you rarely see on the streets. Then as soon as you buy that car, you see it everywhere. You feel like everyone is driving the exact same model as you are. But the truth is that you focus on the car, and what you focus on the universe provides to you.

Practices that work

Some simple strategies, which most people agree work for the law of attraction include making yourself believe a 100 percent without a doubt that you will get what you want.

You should act as if what you want is already in your possession. If you want a better job, act like you already have it. If you want a better relationship, act as if it is already on the level you want it to be at.

Focus on what you want. When you think about it use simple sentences and “ask” the universe for it. Remember how the genie that grants wishes has an amazing way of misinterpreting the asker’s wishes? Well, don’t give the genie, or rather the universe, the chance to misinterpret your request. Be very, very specific in verbalizing what you want.

For you to be able to ask for what you want specifically, first you need to find out exactly what that is. It may seem shocking, but most people have a vague idea of what it is that they want, and that is precisely the reason they get something else entirely.


LoA can be viewed as a programmer writing a program. LoA is the program, and you are the programmer. The code you write is you asking for what you want. If you are specific in your questions, or if you write the code with an exact goal in mind, the output will be exactly what you have desired. If you write the code with no goal in mind, the program will simply not work.

The Secret got the ball rolling for many people. Now the whole world can know that LoA is for real and it is here to stay. They have a choice – do they want to consciously pursue their goals with the help of the law of attraction, or are they leaving it all to chance.

Author's Bio: 

Christopher Montrose is the creator of The Law of Attraction Blog is a great site which details law of attraction methods, research and news, but unlike many it is unbiased and offers multiple angles, from multiple writers - take a look at the site by visiting here:

The law of attraction success stories portion of the LoA Blog may also be of interest to you. If you believe and actively pursue LoA the page will help inforce your beliefs further, and if not - it may open your eyes to the power of the law of attraction.

The law of attraction success stories portion of the LoA Blog may also be of interest to you. If you believe and actively pursue LoA the page will help inforce your beliefs further, and if not - it may open your eyes to the power of the law of attraction.