You Tube's newest kid friendly channel is called You On Kazoo. In the latest video, YouTuber Jimmy VanBlaricum shows off a five-minute clip from a 1989 childrens' television episode entitled You On Kazoo!. It featured a young boy, dressed in all white with a bright yellow bow tie, who would soon become known as the famous Kazoo Kid, teaching other kids how to play the kazoo with passion .

He tells the other kids that they should play the "kazoo" using their hands, which is where they should be holding the kazoo while playing. They then proceed to do so, and he encourages them to sing along. After a couple of rounds of the kazoo, they sing in unison as he gives them a pat on the head.

The video had previously been featured on YouTube but was quickly removed due to copyright issues. You Tube, however, has not given up on the video. Instead, they have taken it and are showing it to their audience, which seems to be the intent of the clip. They hope that the clip will entice people to watch a show featuring a kid who sings kazoos.

YouTube has proven itself to be a reliable source of news and entertainment for many people. It is unclear what the future holds for You On Kazoo, as no further information has been released about the company or what type of shows are currently in development.

If you are a parent interested in learning to play the kazoo, you might want to consider watching the clip that You Tube has shown. This kid may be the answer to your problems. If you are looking for ways to entertain your child without having to spend a lot of money, a kazoo kid might just be the solution that you have been looking for.

Kids love music. It's just a matter of letting them play and enjoy themselves.

When You On Kazoo Kid starts singing, it doesn't take long for him to convince other kids to join in. After he gets started, everyone is singing and dancing around him. They stop for a few minutes and then begin again. The kazoo gets turned upside down as they move around in the air, and the kid ends up performing a few riffs.

After he has played the song for a few times, the kazoo kid performs another song with the other kids while the first song continues. After a few songs, the kazoo kid starts to teach the other kids some of the lyrics to a song, and he is asked to sing.

After the kazoo kid sings a few bars, he is asked to stop and everyone else is asked to leave. join in the next song.

Author's Bio: 

Taylor has worked in various senior roles including, sales, manufacturing, and commercial.

During this time he has gained an invaluable insight into the day-to-day pressures that go with such leadership roles and the expectations to be met.