A healthy lifestyle is a dream of each individual. To be healthy we will need to understand the actual meaning of health and hygiene. Let's discuss on health and hygiene. As per the definition, a individual cannot be said to be more healthy only with a disease-free condition. He or she should be physically as well as mentally healthy. This demands a sterile condition. Health and hygiene are two correlated conditions.

Hygiene can be described as the practice of certain habits to maintain a fantastic health. It can be at the personal level (personal hygiene) and at the neighborhood level (social hygiene).

Personal hygiene

Personal degree hygiene involves cleanliness, physical exercise, proper rest, and sleep and other habits like avoiding smoking, drinking alcohols, medications etc. Majority of diseases can be avoided by maintaining a fantastic personal hygiene.For instance the weight gain can be regulated through liposuction but the cost can vary depending upon the city, for instance liposuction surgery cost in Mumbai may change depending upon the surgeon and other operating staff.

Social hygiene

Society comprises the encompassing we reside and other public places. These lead to uncontrolled development of rodents and disease-causing and carrying germs and make us sick.


A disease is a term used to identify the uncomfortable condition or discomfort we believe. The expression disease-free is completely different from the word being healthy although they are correlated. A disease is diagnosed by certain symptoms and indications.

Author's Bio: 

Kirya Gupta based in New York, has been writing for various healthcare. She has been writing various articles for the past ten years on various social platforms. Her articles are mostly about health issues. Such as liposuction and other weight loss surgery.