Men who notice thinning hair are often in a rush to find out how to reverse the process before it results in full baldness. This early impulse to treat the condition can lead to better results, but only if the man looking into it understands the cause of the hair loss and the treatment options that are available. Understanding how and why men lose hair makes figuring out how to get the necessary treatment much simpler.

Cause of Hair Loss In Men

Most hair loss issues in men are caused by the first stages of genetic male pattern baldness. In male pattern baldness, a man's body produces too much of a testosterone byproduct called DHT. The DHT that is produced attaches itself to a man's hair follicles and forces those follicles to start shedding hair, stop growing new hair, and eventually disappear altogether. The adult male body doesn't need large quantities of DHT for anything, so products to stop male pattern baldness generally work by trying to eliminate DHT production. However, there are pros and cons associated with most of the hair loss products available. Careful consideration and research should be done in order to find what works best.

Options for Treating Hair Loss

• Prescription Drugs – Prescription drugs attack the cause of DHT production by slowing down a man's ability to produce the testosterone that creates it. Prescription treatments are successful of stopping hair loss for many of the men who suffer from male pattern baldness, but they stop it at a cost most men have trouble with. Side effects from lowering testosterone levels in men often include sexual dysfunction that can last for years after treatment has stopped.

• Over The Counter Foams – Over the counter foam designed to stop DHT from binding to hair follicles within the scalp is a good alternative to medications that effect testosterone directly. Over the counter foams can keep hair from falling out in some situations and encourage the growth of new hair when possible. Foams cause issues in some men that include hair texture changes, hair color changes, and scalp color changes.

• Herbal Supplements – Herbal supplements are designed to provide all of the benefits of prescription and over the counter chemical hair loss help without any of the side effects or problems. Herbal supplements with herbs like nettles and saw palmetto work by blocking DHT production without lowering testosterone levels at all. Some supplements come with topical treatments designed to do what chemical foams do without the texture or color problems foams tend to cause.

Prescription drugs and over the counter foams cause side effects that make them less than ideal for treating hair loss when side effect free options are available. Most men suffering from male pattern baldness will get the best overall results by starting with a side effect free herbal supplement. Herbal supplements often offer all of the benefits of harsher methods of treatment without causing problems that will show up later.

Author's Bio: 

Speedwinds Nutrition, Inc. is the leader in nutritional supplements. One of their most successful products is Procerin, a hair loss system designed to block DHT. While most hair loss products focus on external factors, Procerin differentiates itself by taking a multi-prong approach. The Procerin hair loss system consist of three components; an oral supplement, topical foam and cleansing shampoo. The Procerin system works to safely and naturally combat the causes of male pattern baldness and restart the hair growth process. To learn more about hair loss and Procerin, visit them at