so during your board exams you may have a gap of minimum two to three days between your papers sometimes it's just one day or you may also have back-to-back exams so you need to know what to not do during that time so without wasting much time let's start the discussion

first thing not to do is do not use social media yes

you heard me right try as much as possible to fight the urge of using your phone it's an addiction which takes away most of your time so what happens is you start by saying hi then your friend reply is high then you start talking forwarding jokes laughing then later you may even check your Facebook
wall to see what your friends have posted and then you also feel like posting later you would want to see how many likes you've got on that post so the story never ends without realization you lose so many odds with so much distraction and unnecessary thoughts in your head which does not allow you to concentrate on studies. Home tutors in Dubai

the second most important thing

not to do is do not ask the most common question friends ask each other during exam preparation how much have you finished studying yes friends we have all done this everyone has asked each other how much you finish studying but I'll tell you why not to ask your friend this question so let's
assume your friend has finished studying five chapters and you have finished only two so that very moment tension sets in and you start getting negative thoughts in your head about low grades low marks your admission your future
then you try rushing through all the chapters to reach your friend space compromising on the quality of studies and suppose that your friend has studied less than you then you get relaxed and slow down your preparation

so very
important point to know here is do notcompare your preparation with anyone

next talking to your friend you get to know which books they are referring to and if it is different from the oneyou have used then again you get tense you will go out of your way and buy that new book just before your exams so this brings me to my third point do not change your book at the last minute do not try any new book your textbook or your respective state road textbook with any one reference book is sufficient so stick to the book you have
been using all throughout the year

thing not to do before your exam is
procrastination never procrastinate

you have three days preparation leave for your exam then divide the odds according to the chapters equally and use the first two days well if you keep postponing your studies you will end up piling a lot to do for the last eight
which will make you tense

next do notget influenced by the method and the way or the timetable that your friend is using

you are unique use the strategy that suits your way of learning your friend may finish all the easy chapters first and keep the difficult ones for
the last minute but you may like to study the difficult ones first so it's okay whatever you've been doing all this year just stick to that strategy and do not copy anyone strategy

next thing notto do is try not to change your timetable at the last minute

if you have to study for five hours in the day thenyou have to study get some determination to achieve that goal if you want to know how to make a timetable for studying we've made a video on it you may find the link in the description

next if you have left any chapter for option do not try to study it just a date before the exams stick to what you've already studied and spend more time and revising your content rather than studying things for the first time

next thing not to do
is try not to just
read illustrations or go through diagrams and flowcharts
what I mean is illustrations diagrams and flowcharts
are very important but after reading it or going through them time yourself and write the answer based on it it will
give you more confidence to attempt questions this method is a very effective way for revision

next a simple thing students should not do just before exams is do not eat outside food it may make you sick at the wrong time eat

home-cooked food which is easy to digest also eatingheavy food will make you sleepy so keep your meals light have a lot of vegetables and fruits

also make sure that you do not hurt yourself in any wayso try staying at home as much as possible and giving your time only to studies and

at last all the articles keep saying get a sufficient amount of sleep just before your exams but that does not
mean that you sleep more avoid over sleeping as it may make you lethargic and lazy a sound sleep for six hours is
enough during exams

if you have trouble sleeping or you get nightmares and you
wake up at odd hours in the night then watch our relaxation video it will definitely help you so these were the 10
things that you should not do to improve your score lastly remember have confidence in what you've done exams do not judge your potential or do not judge how smart and intelligent you are they're just a part of your life so
take it with a smile and all the best for all your exams

thank you

Author's Bio: 

I love to share my knowledge with people and utilize with professionals. I am working here :