You may be reading this article for a number of reasons, such as you are worried about your job security, you are facing redundancy or have been made redundant or maybe you have a friend, partner, work colleague or a family member who is facing an uncertain time. It may be a difficult time as you, or the other person may find it difficult to adjust to the new situation. The most important thing is just be there, for yourself or others. Allow time for emotional release such as crying or being angry.

Any sort of sudden change can cause emotional and practical disruption into our lives and redundancy is certainly no exception. It can be a devastating and brutal experience and a huge blow to confidence, self esteem , emotional and financial well being. It’s important to be aware that it’s not your fault and you are certainly not the only person to face this.

Often some people see their job as a projection of themselves, it reflects who they are and so ensure they work hard, stay focus, achieving to reach the top as well as sacrificing personal and social engagements for the job. So when faced with the possibility of, or being made redundant it’s no wonder the process is emotionally difficult to comprehend.

Feelings of shock, loss, denial and anger are all common feelings associated with being made redundant, as well feelings of rejection, isolation, fear, embarrassment, resentful, loss of confidence, self doubt and self esteem , stressed, anxious and depressed. In fact, redundancy is listed as one of the top five most stressful times in our lives, next to divorce, moving house, death of a partner and death of a parent

The shock of hearing you have lost your job is actually similar to the reaction of grief , and grief is a completely normal reaction to loss; loss of a job, way of life, work colleagues and financial security.

Anger is a completely normal emotion to encounter after facing redundancy. By getting angry helps you to process the event, work through the situation and talk about your feelings. Remember: When anger is not dealt with in a constructive manner and processed it may cause resentment, depression, stress, anxiety , physical illness and relationship issues. By expressing your anger and talking to partners, friends or family can help you adjust to the situation and cope with what is happening.

Keep in mind the old saying “time is a healer”. No matter how awful you feel right now, your future will be better than you think. It may be hard to image at this very moment, but some people view redundancy as the best thing that ever happened to them. One door closes, and many more open.

If you are finding the experience difficult talk to your partner, family, friends or a therapist. Hypnotherapy may also help you on your journey, working with you through the stages, helping you to regain your confidence, self esteem and strength.

A trained Hypnotherapist can help you work through the emotional aspects as well as working with your confidence and self-esteem , developing your inner strength to allow you to see your future more clearly.

Author's Bio: 

Linda Connors is a Hypnotherapist in London and works with many people to move on from redundancy and create a new future.