The foundation for human behaviour is information. We all grow up simply accepting the information we absorb through the senses of hearing and sight – and then apply ourselves to life accordingly. Some of us add a little thinking of our own, perhaps even questioning the validity of what is considered to be the norm. After all, are teachers, lecturers, professors and scientists not passing on to us (with some added conviction) what they, in turn, heard from someone else? Unfortunately, our own parents pass on to us exactly the same information about life and then send us to schools and universities to entrench those norms.

I am alluding to the most important aspect of our lives as human beings, namely, the function, purpose and location of the human mind.

We’ve been “told” by everyone that the human brain is the organ responsible for generating thoughts and words; that it is the seat of our intellect and emotions; that “ brain power ” can be developed, placing us in a position to outstrip our fellow human beings in the race for success; that it is the storage location for memory; and that our mind, located somewhere in the brain, is the decision-maker for all our words and deeds.

The most peculiar thing is, although brain researchers and all those dealing with the science of the brain have been propagating these assumptions, none of them have been able to prove this accepted norm. The fact is, they are stumped when it comes to proving what everyone seems to believe about the human brain and openly declare that the brain remains a mystery. And so, research continues. The question is, are they looking for the answers in the right place?

Everyone on this planet deserves a breakthrough in this area. Imagine finding the lurking place for that elusive other 90% “ brain power ” that we’ve been unable to harness. Imagine the enormity of the exciting consequences should we discover how we really function as human beings. It would be tantamount to starting life all over. Just the mere revelation of this knowledge should make you want to dance in the street as you prepare to tackle the world around you with a new perspective.

I have good news. While others are searching for that elusive 90% (supposedly) unused brain power , it is possible for you to go directly to the seat of the mind within you and find it quicker than anyone else.

We humans regard ourselves as living, physical entities capable of intellectual and emotional expression as supposedly generated by our brain by means of our mind, which, in turn, we presume forms an integral part of the brain. In assured fashion, we would at times go so far as to point at our head with one finger to indicate that we are busy thinking – simply because it feels like it’s all happening up there.

What if you were told that the human brain is empowered by the spirit within you for the sole purpose of controlling the bodily functions of the physical part of our make-up (including the vocal organs) and that it (the brain) has no conscious intellectual or emotional capabilities – let alone contain a memory database? As far out as this may seem, it is fact.

Inside of our human spirit is an area referred to as the heart. This is where it all happens. And this is where the true you is reflected. Your heart encompasses the consciousness and individuality of your human spirit and seats your intellect and emotions. Your personality, in its totality, is located here and it is reflected to the world you live in. How?

Enter the chief executive officer of your heart – your mind. This baby hugs your heart like the mouse to your computer. However, this guy can be mischievous. Like an ethereal roamer around the heart he is supposed to do the honourable thing and reflect the good things of the heart to the world. Your heart contains all the good, as well as bad things that it has absorbed since entering the world. All of your physical senses have gathered information and channelled it to your heart via a conduit, called the brain.

Your physical body is, in effect, your heart’s window to the material world. And the heart of your spirit has an unlimited capacity for the storage of information and memory. This is where dreams and ideas are conjured up and processed based on its massive database of knowledge. The decision-maker, the mind, takes what is in the heart and decides how to portray it or apply it to circumstances.

This “chief executive officer” of your spirit, the mind, acts as the spokesperson for your heart. What this spokesperson says, you get. Your brain stands at attention waiting for instructions from the mind to express the whims of the mind by means of the tongue and physical body. Talk about the power of the tongue. This lad is nothing more than the mouthpiece for the inner mind to the natural world. And now you also know why it feels like all our deliberations take place in that cavity filled by the brain.

Depending on the condition of the mind, it can either be honest or maliciously deceitful. What comes out of your mouth is the voice of the mind of your spirit. Aggression, bitterness, hate, love, joy and peace are all items of knowledge stored in the heart as a result of experiences picked up in our world. Your mind decides what to extract from the heart and present to the world. It can make or break those around you – and it can also make or break you as an individual.

Your heart and your mind are bosom buddies. They are all that you have. They are you. If you renew your mind to take only the good things of the heart, you’ll have a synergy that can conquer and overcome the world – turning war into peace and failure into success.

Guess what? You have discovered where that other 90% "brain" powerhas been lurking all the time and you are now in a position to saddle it and ride it.

Now that you know all of this, go ahead and dance in the street, but not for too long. What will the neighbours think?

Author's Bio: 

Jack Vorster, now retired, has a background in marketing/advertising. Enjoys writing on the subject of the human make-up. Has just completed his newest ebook, "The Weight Loss Revelation" which looks at the three areas of weight overload in the human make-up and which systematically defines how to shed this three-fold burden.