Learn what our limiting beliefs may be, and techniques to empower ourselves, for financial success.

How do we create powerful habits , for financial success?

Tips for securing a financial future.

How do we pay ourselves first?

What are some of the money principles, to assist us in our planning?

Speaker BioAfter losing her father from heart failure, six years ago, Lesa started to feel her own mortality. Dropping all to assist moving her mother into assisted living, she realized she too may need some type of long term care in the distant future. Lesa found living benefits, with Five Rings, and now passionate about assisting, with this little known protection of their financial preservation, that she became a financial expert, specializing in living benefits.

Lesa heads up 2 chapters of Wine, Women and Wealth, in San Diego, and is quite passionate about assisting women in transition inclu. divorce, and losing a loved one. Her passion is education, first and fore most, and helping people to avoid the roller coaster of the market.

Author's Bio: 

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