Surprise, surprise. Artificial grass is more popular than ever, and is growing in popularity even as you’re reading this. In some countries, sales of synthetic turf are growing by 10 to 15 percent a year—and more and more people are using them in their own homes for dog runs, children’s play areas, roof decks, as well as other uses.

What exactly is artificial grass made of?

Artificial grass, or synthetic turf, is 100% man-made, synthetic grass appropriate for use for a variety of commercial, sports, and residential purposes. It’s made up of nylon or other synthetic filaments that are woven into a porous backing to let water through, and then placed on another layer, which is usually made up of gravel. It is then given a filler to give it enough weight to hold it down when the wind is strong. Some manufacturers of synthetic turf add a thatch layer for a more realistic look.

Why use Brisbane synthetic turf? What makes the Sunshine Coast a good place to put artificial grass?

Brisbane synthetic turf is extremely convenient to use. Regular grass requires a lot of maintenance in that you constantly need to water, trim, weed, fertilize and perform other procedures to take care of it, which requires you to hire additional manpower for the job. Additionally, with regular grass you run the risk of it growing unevenly, having patches that are dry and bare, or, occasionally, muddy and very wet. All these inconveniences are eliminated when you use synthetic turf.

Synthetic turf is also, again surprisingly, environmentally friendly, especially for large areas that need a great deal of water to keep them lushly green. In addition to this, there is no need for harsh chemicals pesticides or fertilizers that could upset the ecological balance in your area. In years of drought, you never have to worry. Finally, think of the savings on gas or diesel for lawn mowers and leaf blowers. Artificial grass takes care of all this.

And, let’s face it. Artificial grass Sunshine Coast looks as good as, if not even better, than sod. And while the initial installation is more costly than regular grass, in the long run, you save a lot of money on water bills and general maintenance. In the end you save time, money and energy when you use synthetic turf Sunshine Coast.

With ProGrass we have taken the convenience of artificial grass Sunshine Coast a big step further. Due to the harsh climate conditions in our part of the country, we have made our product extremely durable to withstand regular wear and tear, as well as the weather of Brisbane, and the Sunshine Coast in general. We can design and install synthetic turf that’s custom made for your residential or commercial needs.

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our local expert on synthetic turf. To get your free consultation and quote on artificial grass in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast, contact us or check out our distributor network .