Having patchy scalps from lost hairs is annoying, but ending up with a bad hair transplant after investing so much can really be traumatic and painful. The process of surgical hair transplants are so complicated that once a transplant is done, it can hardly be reversed.

In the event that you find out you are not comfortable with a transplant, it might be too late to go back as the possibility of reversing a bad hair transplant is very slim. The question now is, what can you do to avoid bad hair transplants? I have answered this question and you will find the answers below in this article.

Firstly, you must make concrete research about all the types of surgical hair transplants that are available. The first place you might want to search in is the internet. There are various sites that will explain in details the advantages and risks that come with all the surgical hair transplants. You can also seek the advice of a professional surgeon; ask him or her to tell you about the best option that is available and also suitable for your type of hair loss. When you have known all this, you will be able to pick a transplant type that suits you, in addition to that, you will be able to prepare financially for the cost and also prepare against the possible effects that come with the transplant type.

With that said, the next thing you must do is to find a good hair surgeon, one that is experienced. In this case, the number of years he has been in this field may not matter much; your focus should be on the number of successful surgical operations that he has carried out. There are only very few surgeons that can fix a badly done hair transplant and at a pretty high sum too. Bearing that in mind, you really need to invest your time in finding a professional surgeon. If you are having any difficulty finding a good surgeon, then ask your doctor or search online for them.

When you have found a surgeon, talk with him and ask him to show you the records of successful surgical operations that he has carried out. Make sure he or she shows you a before and after story. If you can get the contact of any of his former patients, call one of them just to confirm and clear your doubts. However, if you cannot see or talk to any of his past patients, make it mandatory that he shows you all the before and after pictures of his past clients.

When all this has been confirmed and you are sure that you are ready, you may now proceed with the hair transplant.In the event that this article got to you late and you have already had a bad transplant, here’s an advice on what you can do to fix your bad transplant.

If you have a very big plug of hair, talk with your doctor, they can unplug it or break them into smaller units, take them out and re-enter them. However, if you find out that you have small plugs, you can ask your doctor to reduce the impact of the appearance of the doll head of you by adding some new hair donors.

The cost of undoing a bad hair transplant t is usually so exorbitant, it is so high when compared with the cost of the first operation performed, and this will almost stop you from thinking about undoing the transplant. In any case cost is a problem for you, talk to your surgeon.

Hair surgical transplants are not like wigs that can be removed and worn back anytime you wish, if you are going for a second transplant, make sure it is recommended by a doctor and carried out by a professional. Discuss all the possible risk and make sure you are ready for it.

Author's Bio: 

If you want to learn about best hair loss remedies , Abigail M. Moore is the person you should listen to; owner of www.hairgrowthtipshq.com , which is one of the fastest growing website that talks about incredible, yet simple ways to grow your fast.