critical when you want to get a loan approved. If there is any adverse or wrong entry in your credit report, it can disapprove of or delay your loan application. A negative entry can be due to delayed payments, multiple entries on overdue amounts, or even unsettled loan accounts. These are the situations that make the lenders report negatively on your cibil report . It can have a long-time impact and make you hesitant in giving you a loan.

Here are a few strategies to remove negative credit report entries:

Negotiate with the bank:Sometimes, because of unanticipated conditions, you might not be able to complete your repayments on time against an outstanding loan or credit card bill extending up to 180 days. When this happens, your bank reports this as 'written off,' which is visible on your credit report. This hurts both your credit score and processing of your credit card or loan application.

In such cases, you can approach your creditor to expel the 'written off' status from your credit report. You can offer to pay a settlement amount just in case you aren't able to pay your outstanding amount fully.

This settlement amount is less than the outstanding amount, but it will still affect your credit score and credit report, but the written-off status is removed, which is more important.

Dispute incorrect information: There might be some errors in the information about you in your credit report. These can be in fields such as your PAN number, name, etc. or your current balance is not updated.

Ask for a goodwill deletion:In a goodwill deletion or goodwill letter, you can request your lender to strike off a record of late payment in your credit report. You can try to convince and provide them with reasons behind your late payment to make them remove the bad remark from your report, but it is not guaranteed that this will work as it depends on your lender.

Pay off your debt :You should always try to make full payments of your outstanding amounts to avoid getting a negative remark on your credit report. When you make payments, it shows in your credit report and helps the lenders believe that you make your repayments on time.

Spend as per your credit limit:You should always keep in mind that if you are a credit card user, you should avoid spending more than 30-40% of your credit limit. This remarks your financial ability, and you don't come out like a credit hungry. You should keep a check on the amount of money you are spending with your credit card.

Take loans one at a time:You look like someone who is 'credit hungry' when you apply for multiple loan applications at once. It harms your credit score. So, you should avoid applying for multiple loans at the same time as it shows in your credit report and decreases the chances of your loan getting approved.

Check for Days Past Due (DPD):DPD stands for days past due, which reflects your financial habits like if payment of the loan is delayed, then for how many days. The credit bureau gets your DPD from your bank, which further processes your loan application. 

If the DPD section shows variables other than '000' and 'XXX' that might be because you have missed payments on your loan or credit card account.

especially in your business. Lenders always look through your credit score first to be convinced that you are reliable for lending money. So one should keep a check on his credit report and maintain his credit score thoroughly.

Author's Bio: 

I'm Matthew, a professional writer & blogger. I have experience of more than 5 years. I always look for new things in writing and look to share vital and relevant information through my words. USA G News