A garden shed is such a wonderful idea that sometimes it can turn into a problem! This conflicting statement can be explained. Your shed starts off neat and tidy – a place to store your garden tools and then ends up as an overflow from your house and garage.

The solution to this lies in the planning stage. Think very carefully about exactly what you want the shed for. Think about your over flowing cupboards, your cluttered garage, and then decide what sort of shed you need.

If you can, try and solve the house and garage storage problems before you order your garden shed. If extra cupboards in your house and shelving in your garage are not a possibility, then you need to work out on graph paper [or drawn out on your computer] just how much space you will need in your shed, and how you can pack everything in such a way that it doesn’t lose its usefulness and become a junk heap with walls. If your problem is house overflow, then perhaps you need two separate sheds, one for extra storage, and another for garden use.

Unless you have a lot of fairly large garden machinery, such as a shredder, or a concrete mixer for garden building projects, or ladders and scaffolding, the average garden shed need not be terribly big.

Your lawn mower and wheelbarrow will probably be the most space demanding items you have to store. A lawn mower can usually be stored in a special space beneath a shelf or work top, while a wheelbarrow can be propped up on its wheel against a wall, with or without fasteners on the wall to grip the handlebars and prevent it from slipping.

What many people find quite difficult to cope with are the small things. When you go into a shed, if the floor space is open, you can reach everything, and packing and unpacking are fairly easy. Try and make maximum use of all the wall space and even the roof space. Cupboards and shelves and drawers are obviously the best options, though a bit expensive.

If you line one wall or part of a wall with pegboard, you will be amazed at how many small items can be neatly and safely stored hanging on little hooks; so accessible and you can see at a glance whether they are back in their places and not forgotten under a bush in the garden. Especially in a damp climate, they will remain clean and rust free far longer than if they lie mouldering in a damp cardboard box on a shelf!

Boxes have their place in your conveniently organised shed too. If you choose a nice high shed with a pitched roof, you may be able to install a partial false ceiling where you can store sealable plastic boxes and containers for items you don’t use every day, such as shade netting in winter, or frost blankets in summer. Just don’t pack anything that will be adversely affected by heat. It could get really hot up there.

For a wide choice in storage



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