North Americans spend billions of dollars on diets in an attempt to instantly improve their physical appearance. Scientific research has proven that, “diets work for only less then 10% of the population”.

Even if every diet you tried was just another disappointment — you CAN lose weight!
I want you to know that you didn’t fail. Diets set you up for failure. They do not resolve the underlying emotional issues that cause you to turn to food in the first place. After you attempt several diets, you still notice no difference. You begin to feel like a failure.

Your self-esteem begins to shatter. You punish your body through starvation. When you feed your body with less and less food, what do you think your body does to cope and survive? It slows down metabolism and stores its energy reserves as FAT!

What happens when you get off the diet ? It takes all that food you eat and stores it in its fat reserves. As a result you gain more weight!

Most weight gain is caused by “emotional eating”. Eating for comfort because of the way you feel.

We can’t become healthy, if we are focusing on illness.
We can’t become abundant if we are focusing on poverty.
We can never be happy with our body image if we are constantly obsessing about food.

I would like to help you break this painful cycle by directing the healing process where it has started, within your mind.

You get permanent weight loss with Hypnotherapy because we treat the cause, “emotional eating”.

The feelings of fear, anger, insecurity, hopelessness, loneliness , sadness or boredom that cause you to turn to food to comfort yourself.

Once those beliefs and feelings are replaced with new positive healthy beliefs and feelings of being in control, you will no longer reach for foods to comfort yourself. Late night eating and cravings are gone.You begin to think like a thin person. The weight starts to come off in just 3 sessions.

If you want to Lose Weight and Keep it off forever, then visit this weight loss site - your short cut to weight loss assistance.

To your Freedom,

Irina Benoit

Author's Bio: 

Originally from Moscow, Russia, at age of 21 I was diagnosed with cancer of the blood and given six months to live. Out of desperation, I turned from traditional medicine to Chinese medicine and Chi Kung (the ancient Chinese practice of meditation, breathing and relaxation; working with one’s life force and life energy). Miraculously, after several months, I was given a clean bill of health. My life saving experience led me to travel to China, Thailand and Europe in a search of a deeper understanding of the power of body and mind. I have learned Eastern philosophies and the ancient practice of Tai Chi and Chi Kung; I have not seen a doctor since.Now, I am not only happy to be alive, I am actually happy to be myself and want the same for You. I want You to be thrilled to be you, thrilled to wake up every day of your life and embrace your authentic self. I am helping clients to overcome stress and anxieties, phobias and fears, depression and sleep deprivation, self-esteem issues, smoking cessation, let go of weight and increase their learning abilities. I have done it for some time now (established in 2003) and have helped more then five thousand clients since.