This year water-related diseases affect more than 1.5 billion individuals according to reports from WHO & UNICEF 2015.

Whilst access to clean water can help lower these disease rates in creating communities, the reality is that clean water alone is inadequate. It is estimated that the simple act of washing hands with soap and water can decrease the amount of people ill with diarrhea by more than 30%.

Without appropriate health & hygiene education, it is often the young girls and kids that are disproportionately affected. For kids, water-borne illnesses can be deadly. It is estimated that each 90 minutes a child dies from a water-related illness (WHO & UNICEF JMP 2015). For young ladies, knowledge about issues like appropriate feminine hygiene and the best way to nourish an infant is vital as they make the challenging transition during adolescence.

Water-borne disorders also hinder the two of these populations from attending faculty and breaking the cycle of poverty.Health is indeed a very important factor and should be taken care off . there are various methods to retrieve the lost health back but the cost may vary for intance liposuction cost in Mumbai will be different from the liposuction cost in other cities, It is estimated that 443 million school days are lost each year as a result of water-related diseases (UNDP 2006). Without education it gets increasingly hard for them to break out of the cycle of poverty.

Here at Healing Waters we strongly believe that the health & hygiene classes we employ throughout our Holistic Transformation Model is equally as important as the clean water given by our water purification technology, which is the reason we enable communities to teach health & hygiene classes.

Our curricula are specifically geared towards young girls and kids - the two populations most adversely affected by water-borne ailments. We think they are change makers, and our expectation is that they take what they have learned and apply it outside the classroom, impacting the civilization of their houses and communities.

We received an email from a brand new health & hygiene trainer. The neighborhood recently began teaching health & hygiene classes at college for the kids in the area and are already reporting that the kids have started washing their hands on a regular basis! During these classes they are expecting to not only shield the kids from contracting waterborne-illnesses like cholera and typhoid, but also to help them understand Christ better throughout the bible stories and activities where the program is taught.

Author's Bio: 

Rachel Zane based in London, has been writing for various healthcare units. Her exceptional research skills has resulted into various exceptional articles. which hashelped vast majority people.