What is a Spiritual Suntan?
Well, what is suntan? How do you get one? Why do you get one?
Those lazy summer days at the beach, with the sound of waves crashing on the beach shore, seagulls singing, and golden rays of sunshine hugging your whole body with the warmth of relaxing comfort. This is the best way to a get a golden suntan!
How did you get that suntan? Did you grab the sun and rub it all over your body? Did you workout and sweat until you exhaustively dropped to achieve the dream? Did you actively do anything to get that passionately perfect tan at all?
No. YOU did absolutely nothing to get that tan, expect LET it happen, by being available under the sun.
A Spiritual Suntan happens the same way. Except this tan comes with an everlasting inner glow.
Make yourself available to new ideas, positive people, places and things, and you will automatically be immersed in spiritual success. You must be open to receive, admit that you might no know what you don't know, to obtain the inner peaceful glow you can enjoy all year round. Doesn't that sound great?
Pick one new book to read, one new person to meet, one new seminar or event to attend this week. This decision will help shine positive rays into your heart that will radiate wherever you go. Simply being in the presence of this spiritual good, will most assuredly allow you to obtain all the benefits it offers.
Spiritual Suntans make you happy!
Blessings your way,Deb
Deb Scott is a motivation and lifestyle consultant, specializing in working with business and corporate environments to transform poor interpersonal dynamics and low-energy groups into high-powered, successful, dynamic teams. A biology major in college, Deb became an award-winning sales and leadership specialist with 20 years of background in cardiac surgery sales. Now she applies her sales and business background to motivational speaking and consulting in the fields of sales, marketing, advertising, hiring, and teambuilding. “The Sky is Green and the Grass is Blue – Turning Your Upside-Down World Right-Side-Up!” is her first book. Get the Book Now at http://www.greenskyandbluegrass.com