Finding out ways that can directly help a student to improve their grades and memorizing abilities is a difficult task. To keep a pace with the changing course structure and shrinking preparation time, it is necessary that students learn to read faster . The learning capabilities of students differ from each other and so some are fast at it and others are slow. Improving learning capacity is a difficult task and not a one-day job; this is why only some students tend to adopt memory enhancement techniques. However, there are many other ways that can be used to replace a sharp memory. These include speedwriting, effective note making, and speed-reading.
Speed reading strategies are highly capable of helping a student in coping up with his/her vast syllabus. It is regarded that anything read with full attention and focus is almost equal to learning it. Generally, students avoid speed-reading under the fear of missing on crucial information from the text. Slow reading is an attempt to put focus on some important parts of the chapter. However, this is not the case if right skills are adopted while speed-reading. Firstly, it is not mandatory to read the information once as it can be done as many times it takes to properly gasp it. Reading performance can be enhanced by layering the reading comprehension through reading the text at a super fast speed in less overall time.
Another misconception attached with speed-reading is that we forget everything in a short span. During speed-reading, the focus is on remembering more by understanding the meaning and concept behind the information rather that by hearting it. Generally when we spend more time on understanding any single information, we tend to deviate from the main idea but when we read the whole of it in one go, our full attention is on understanding it. Once the information is read properly, we can definitely convert the information in our own words while answering the question papers. An average reading speed is around 100-200 and a student can easily aim for around 1000 words per minute during speed-reading.
There are a few popular speed-reading techniques that prove helpful in improving reading speed. These include skimming, scanning, chunking, and sub-vocalizing. Skimming and scanning are quite similar and involves quick glancing of that particular text in order to gasp the basic idea behind it. Chunking is the method of putting together similar kind of information together in order to understand them better. Sub-vocalizing is the technique of whispering the text along with reading it to improve concentration and mind-alertness.

Author's Bio: 

The author is an experienced Content writer and publisher for Business Development. Visit at to know more about read faster and Speed reading strategies with speed-reading techniques .