Are you plagued with a voice that is luckluster when you speak? Have others told you that you sound boring when you talk? The good news about speaking in monotone is that you can change it. As long you allow yourself to do so.
That is where the difficulty lies. If you express little emotion in talking, you must:
1. want to make the change; and,2. allow yourself to do it.
For those who speak in a monotone, this is easier said than done. Yes, the 1st criterion is simple but the 2nd one will take effort, diligence and permission from yourself to make the change.
You have spent your entire life keeping your emotions inside of you. Yes, you may smile or frown on occasion, but in all likelihood, how you are feeling may not be readily perceived by your family , your friends or your colleagues. You may think you are excited about what you are saying but if others are unable to recognize your excitement, then obviously you are not displaying that emotion.
You may think it is a weakness to let others see or hear how you are feeling. I totally disagree with that. By hiding your emotions, you basically are shunning others, be it loved ones, friends or co-workers. By no means do I want you to be overly emotional. However, if others cannot perceive how you feel about a particular topic because your delivery is dull, lifeless and boring, then how could you expect them to be much enamored when listening to you?
If all the actors we watch in movies and films spoke in a monotone, the entertainment industry would cease to exist. Some in that business speak with a lot of emotion; others express their feelings by means of their facial expression and body language . Admittedly, Ben Stein makes commercials – and a lot of money – by expressing no emotion. The tone of his voice, his face, and his body language are totally devoid of expression; however, that is his shtick.
Assuming you want to make the change and are willing to allow it to happen, the best practice is in front of a mirror. Watch yourself as you say the phrase I did it as if you were very excited. Now say that phrase as a question. Did you see 2 different expressions on your face with this exercise ? If you did, then you have just completed lesson 1. If there was no difference in your voice or your facial expression, try it again and work at it until you see a change.
Expressing emotion is easier than you think. All it takes is the desire and your own permission to do so.
The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It! , the only video training program on voice improvement. Visit Voice Dynamic and discover the best means of adding some life to your voice and your delivery.
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