For doctors, chronic prostatitis is the most common male disease. Commonly, chronic prostatitis incidence rates can reach as high as 10% in young adults. Generally speaking, it is because the diagnosis and treatment technology of chronic prostatitis is not very mature. Also, there is no new idea in the treatment method.

However, it is a common and joint disease that makes a lot of people feel that it is not easy to treat. The root of it lies in that most people lack the understanding of the disease and neglect it too much in daily life.

First of all, chronic prostatitis patients should first correct their mentality.

The main problem of chronic prostatitis in more people is that they put all their hopes on a kind of treatment technology that can cure it immediately and entirely in a short time. For some diseases, it's OK, but for chronic prostatitis, it's hard for people.

For example, general doctors will require patients to take antibacterial drugs for more than two weeks. Still, many patients can't persist because of one reason or another, and they will even take the initiative to replace new doctors after some time. As a result, many drugs were taken, but the disease could not be effectively controlled.

Therefore, patients with chronic prostatitis have symptoms that need to be treated and follow the doctor's arrangement when they stop taking medicine and when they change. Otherwise, inevitably, as an old saying goes, you can't eat tofu in a hurry.

Secondly, we must recognize that chronic prostatitis and impotence, premature ejaculation and other sexual dysfunction are different diseases.

Clinical discovery, a lot of patients either intentionally or unintentionally confused chronic prostatitis with impotence, premature ejaculation and other diseases. Even if they have obviously seen the effect after treatment and have been cured, they still have the "impotence, premature ejaculation" problem, so they still think that the inflammation is not cured.

In addition to pain, abnormal urination and other typical symptoms, chronic prostatitis may indeed lead to premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, and other sexual dysfunction. And this situation will improve with the improvement of inflammation. If the symptoms of inflammation have disappeared and sexual dysfunction still exists, the symptoms of premature ejaculation in these patients likely have nothing to do with chronic prostatitis.

Finally, we must keep in mind that treating chronic prostatitis mainly relies on 30% medicine and 70% maintenance.

Many patients put the hope of curing chronic prostatitis on "special drugs," which is wrong because the common drugs include quinolones and cicyclines, as well as non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain and A-receptor antagonists to improve urination.

Or, you can choose herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for treatment, which recently gets the patient's great affirmation . It adheres to the characteristics of the whole procedure of traditional Chinese medicine. It can not only treat the disease area but also inhibit the further spread of inflammation. Its role is to act on the whole tissue system.

Besides, patients with chronic prostatitis should drink more water, avoid sitting for a long time and eating spicy food.

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