Yes, it’s that time of year again. Time for New Year’s Resolutions. Among the favorites for most people are resolutions for improving their Health & Wealth. This article is the third of a series in which we will suggest some financial resolutions that you can use to make the New Year the brightest ever.

One of the best resolutions you can make to improve your financial situation is to increase your financial education and knowledge. You don’t need a four-year degree, but having a solid understanding of financial principles will provide bit returns and may also help you avoid some pitfalls along the way.

As another advantage, understanding more about how finances work will help you to keep your other financial resolutions because you will understand the benefits and consequences of your actions and spending habits .

Begin with general knowledge about financial principles and the wealth cycle. As you begin to develop a plan for yourself, expand your education by learning about specific areas of investing .

Information can be found in books , magazines , and seminars as well as online sources. Just be careful that the source is reputable and knowledgeable.

Your associations are also important. Surround yourself with like-minded people. This will not only be good for your outlook, but it will help eliminate bad habits from being around those who don’t know or care about their finances.

In addition to increasing your general financial knowledge, you must also understand your own personal financial situation. Are you spending more than you earn each month? Are you increasing your net worth or is your debt balance rising? How would each of those answers have been different one year ago?

Start today to learn more about building wealth. Then you can answer those questions with positive results when you next sit down to make a New Year’s Resolution.

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If you would like more strategies and action steps for your financial resolutions, continue reading this series of articles at . You can also gain access to a FREE copy of to my Five Tips for Creating Wealth report when you subscribe to my free email course.