Though the days unfold to three, the first held enough adventure for the ink that follows. It all began with a peaceful tour of a town found nestled at the base of a snow-dusted mountain...eclectic indeed with tourist shops, t-shirts, art and tributes to the Native American culture that deserve much more.

Every step along the city streets revealed yet another one of God’s gifts; however, the first could not be seen only heard. The weather was mild and even with closed windows and temperatures averaging 35, the morning songs from feathered fowl began the day. Only those attuned to their crooning manner were able to enjoy the solace of a morning with the peaceful enchantment.

As we ventured into the quaint town, we sauntered into a gallery where we were not only greeted by a cordial owner, but a canine apprentice that found comfort counter height. He greeted us with warm affection and blended into the collection of fine artistry that adorned the walls. Icebreaker, yes, though there was no need for one in this friendly town. Even along the city streets man’s best friend resided outside shops as they paid homage to the tourists that abound!

The most astounding creatures to grace us that day were the wild horses that frolicked in the snow that steadily fell to the ground. As we traveled the winding roads to the next destination, our path revealed not only cumbersome terrain (with none of the required escape paraphernalia), but two beautiful horses, one white and one brown.

With first glance of their breathtaking beauty , a passing thought arose to photograph them, but the warm water of the natural hot springs beckoned us on that cold day. After a swift change in the temple-like teepee and a leisurely wade in the natural pools in the midst of the mountains, we ventured back down only to find that the blissful snowfall had tainted our path.

After four men pushed us to one plateau, we were at yet another stumbling block. As one car sat nestled and overturned in the ditch and another at a standstill in the middle of the road, we soon fell victim to the weather as well. While onlookers offered assistance, we opted for a convenient tow that had already appeared on the scene. Now out of harms way, it was all down hill from there, but not before one more commune with nature!

The horses still meandered in their domain and as I approached with camera in hand, the brown beauty steadily came to me with prowess and fortitude. She traveled through the snow and brought forth a sense of serenity to end the journey. The wilderness brought us together and for a moment, life stood still. A wise friend once told me that once or twice a year a moment will arise so significant that the snapshot will exist in your mind forever. This was one of those moments.

Nothing could surpass the breathtaking strides of those fine creatures or the solitude of the snow, but the mountains continued to whisper their secrets and held me in their awestruck dreams . Memories were established and a pivotal adventure solidified the future of many. Family was shared, a love was nurtured and a friendship grew. All the components of a lifetime of happiness

The journey continues at Fish Creek Falls……

Author's Bio: 

LaDuke is a free-lance writer, beauty and wellness industry consultant, private yoga instructor, volunteer, Christian and mother of four.