The summer is the perfect time to start volunteering for worthy causes. The weather is nice, there is generally a more uplifting aura that pervades in the air, and there are many events and causes around the nation that are looking for volunteers that care for their cause (not to say that any other time is a bad time to start... but you get what I mean...).So you decide that this summer, you're going to start volunteering for those causes. But now that you've decided to volunteer more, what do you do next?

1.) Find Your Cause - Make a list of causes that you are passionate about or want to learn more about. You don't have to narrow it down yet. Just brainstorm what changes you want to see in the world. What is important to you? Do you care about the ocean? Do you want people to become more aware of breast cancer? Do you care about children? Does everyone have the equal right to marriage ? What touches you and makes you want to act! No idea is silly, just write it down.

2.) Narrow The List - You don't have to choose just one, but you know best out of anyone how much time you have and how involved you can be. So narrow your list down to 1 or 2 causes that you are truly passionate about. Remember, this is just to get you started. If you find that you have time later to get involved with your other causes, then all the better. But you have to start somewhere, and you also want to make sure that you are truly involved rather than stretching yourself too far that you can't truly be involved in your causes.

3.) Degree of Involvement - Local or Global? Local volunteer projects are probably more hands on than Global projects and much more immediate. You probably have more of an opportunity to directly interact with other people who are volunteering for the same cause and also those who are directly affected by it. Global causes might involve more planning and individual work time of reaching out to people to raise money. But if you have the time, there are plenty of volunteer projects that take you around the world. So you could make a vacation out of it - visit another country while also making a change. Or maybe you can come up with a project/event that has a local focus for the global cause.

4.) Find a Group/Organization That Excites You - Do a quick google search. Maybe even a google map search if you have an organization already in mind, especially now that you know if you want it to be local or global. Find an office that is close to you so you can directly visit their offices. If they are not located near you, find the organization's contact information so you can contact them about their cause and how you can help. This way, not only are you physically taking steps to start your volunteering process, but you are also making sure that the organization you are working with is a legitimate group and truly does what they say they do. The last thing you want is to be volunteering for a group that exists in name only and the volunteer efforts go elsewhere - or worse, no where.

5.) Locate The Event / Put It On Your Calendar - Whether you are going to volunteer at an event that has already been planned or you decide to create an event of your own, make sure you put it down on your calendar so you see it and remind yourself of what you're going to do. You can even post a reminder on your fridge or computer. This will mentally prepare you and remind you of any steps you need to take before the day. Also, invite friends and family to join you as a fellow volunteer or attendees of the event and make it a whole day ordeal. Volunteering should be fun and all the better if you share your cause with those you love!

5.5) GO! - You have your cause, you have your organization, you have your date. So go - start volunteering!

Here is a quick list of sites and organizations to help you get started:
- Do - Find a cause that other people are excited about and join them!
- Changents - Meet Agents of Change and see what you can do to help
- Kiva
- Social Change Websites
- The American Cancer Society
- FaceAids
- National Marriage Boycott

Happy volunteering and have a great week!

If you volunteer this summer, make sure you share your stories with us!

ps. A personal post about making changes with small steps: Global Stewardship... Where Do We Start?

Author's Bio: is a premier wellness site and supportive social network where like-minded individuals can connect and support each others' intentions. Founded by Deepak Chopra's daughter Mallika Chopra, aims to be the most trusted and comprehensive wellness destination featuring a supportive community of members, blogs from top wellness experts and curated online content relating to Personal, Social, Global and Spiritual wellness.