Time is money. You really need to insure that not only your employees but you yourself are being productive. It’s as simple as being organised with rubber stamps , schedules and everything else that comes to mind when you think of an office or business.

Always mobile

Everyone has a smart phone, why not take advantage of the technology you have at your fingertips. This means that you can take work on the go with you. There is a multitude plenty of apps available designed to save time. They will also help you automate work and keep everything organised. This organisation will save you precious minutes later. Look for apps that help with bookkeeping, invoicing, appointments and document sharing.

Put the phone down

Yes, your mobile is a great device for helping you run your business on the go. It can also be distracting. You should limit the amount of times you check your email and pone when in the office. Text messages and phone calls can suck up a lot of time. If it’s important they will ring you on your work number.

List it

At the start of everyday you should create a list of things you need to complete. This will keep you focused and on target. Tick off items whilst you complete them or review your list at the end of the day. If you don’t finish everything don’t beat yourself up, just put it at the top of tomorrows list.

No Multitasking

Multitasking is not productive, that is a myth. It’s better to concentrate on one task at a time. This method will insure that you complete the task in a timely fashion and correctly. Do it right the first time round and save yourself the trouble of having to redo it.

Schedule touch tasks during your good moments

We all have better moments in the day where we are more productive. Honestly ask yourself when are you at your best? Is the morning when you can power through tasks or is the afternoon when you find yourself motivated? It can be tempting to just plan to do all the easy tasks and leave the hard ones for last. Don’t fall into that trap! Try to resist this temptation and remember that in the end you will have to complete all the tasks. You’ll feel better when you have it done so don’t prolong it.

All you need to do is review what you are already doing and implement some of these strategies. These strategies cost nothing and can save you a lot of money. You have no excuse to not at least try.

Author's Bio: 

Dee Fletcher is a pioneer in business consulting, by offering help and advice to business start-ups daily. Be sure to follow me for other business advice on Google+.