Dearest Darling Friend,

Imagine you are sitting next to Dr Kiran Bedi.

Imagine, what you will now imagine?

If you had her permission, space and time to ask her one question,imagine what you would ask? Imagine her looking at you with eyes of appreciation for your insightful question. Imagine what will be her answer.

Imagine she asked you a question. Your answer made her recognize the solid stuff inside you.

Imagine these questions led to a great conversation.

Its a fact that great conversations lead to great ideas. It can lead to great memories. It can turn lives around.

I was sitting next to Dr Kiran Bedi awaiting my turn to speak from the dais of TEDxSinhagad. She heard my speech on a movement Life School has founded, called ‘Keep Moving Movement’ (KMM – details available on our website). She asked me a gentle question that shook me rigorously. In a voice that was unexpectedly soft yet powerful she expressed, ‘This is such an original idea. You must take it national. Why are you NOT doing it?’

Sometimes the space in between the conversations are so momentous. In that space, silence speaks. Hazy things become clear. The hidden becomes obvious. Peace reigns. Power is felt. Life is the same. Yet, nothing remains the same. Ever.

What was a local activity (KMM) is becoming national this year. What used to cover 5000 children will cover 3 lakhs children this year. What was conducted in 100 classes will be conducted in 1000 plus classes this year. What got done only in Pune, will be done at least in three cities. And we in Life School believe, this is just a beginning. (If you want KMM to travel to your city, please send us a mail. We will work something out).

One conversation turned KMM around.

When you have a face to face conversation with the highly energetic and insightful Dr Kiran Bedi, or you sit quietly next to enigmatic Baba Amte or the mercurial Deepak Parekh or magical maestro Pandit Jasraj or the incredibly spirited Lance Armstrong, your life gets raised. The way you look at life gets changed. The way you look at yourself changes.

This is NOT because we have been imparted some mystical piece of heavily guarded rare secret.

This is because we realize that we have no choice. While those great people have many options in people like you and me, we do not have too many options of meeting great people. If we want to continue to be with those who are in a hurry to make an impact, we need to lift our game.

Ironically, most of us waste such colossus amount of our priceless time with those who lower the bar, who are perfectly ok with mediocrity within themselves and others.

Do you realise we do our best only when the bar is raised, when great work is expected. Now come on…Raise the bar. For yourself and for others. You will lose some. You will create some. You will help many in discovering themselves. You will discover yourself.

Have some fantastic conversations. Help others in having fantastic conversations. Its going to be worthwhile to give this idea a shot.

‘May one day soon, people long to breathe the same air that you breathe, share the same space that you occupy, use the same things that you use, live the way you live. I believe, you have it in you. May you reach this stage by raising the bar.’ I trust you can. I believe you can. By the way, have you realised, it is difficult to disappoint people who TRUST in us, who BELIEVE in us.

This LSM was a conversation you and me had. Did it do something to you? We would love to get your feedbacks…

With loads of love, prayers and best wishes,
Narendra Goidani
As I Live…I Learn

Author's Bio: 

Narendra Goidani, the founder of Life School, has been conducting inspirational training programs for people from all walks of life, for more than 11 years. People who have attended his training programs vouch for the impact it created enriching their life.
In 2010, he has authored a masterpiece on life christened as "Keep Moving". Each chapter of "Keep Moving" is life transforming. It covers topics and concepts from real life situations. It contains answers to the most common issues that people face in their day to day lives. It's a book for anyone and everyone who believes in growing and living an inspirational life.He endeavors to fill this world with 'Forces of Goodness'. With this intention every Tuesday he writes an inspirational article named as LIFE SCHOOL MESSAGE (LSM) which has the power to transform lives. He believes a good human being can use this wisdom to transform his life as well as the lives of his loved ones, family and friends. At present more than 2,50,000 subscribers derive growth from LSM.
His call to every good human being is - "Together, lets create a place where we can and we will Explore, Expand and Enrich our lives. Lets create a place where we will lift ourselves and our loved ones.