Florence is known for being the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany, cradle of art, shopping scenario, and much more. It is situated on the banks of river Arno which divides the city in two, delighting us with stunning and beautiful bridges such as il ponte vecchio (the old bridge), with houses that hang on its sides, and enigmatic constructions like the Vasari corridor that leads us to a unique duomo (cathedral), Santa Maria del fiore.

No matter where you look, you will always be faced with spectacular architecture and inspiring pieces of art. Sometimes referred to as the Athens of the Middle Ages given that it was the city that gave birth to the Renaissance. Leonardo Da Vinci, Donatello, Michelangelo, Brunelleschi or Botticelli amongst others where some of the artists that took advantage of the spell of this city and left us such a precious legacy. A legacy that has persisted and survived through the centuries, enabling us to enjoy it nowadays from behind the walls of well-known museums such as The Galleria dell' Accademia, that houses a Michelangelo collection, including his famous "David"; or The Uffizi, which is one of the most famous and important art galleries in the world, and has a very large collection of international and Florentine art engendered by the Medici family 's artistic collections through the centuries.

But not everything lies behind museums' walls. Florence is full of emblematic squares and streets like Piazza della Reppublica, Piazza della Signoria or Piazza della Santa Croce. Needless to say its fascinating churches and parks are worth visiting. No wonder UNESCO declared its historic center a World Heritage Site in 1982.

Inevitably linked with art and history, Florence is also a modern and cosmopolitan city. It offers all kinds of possible shopping: from well-known international brands in via De'Tornabuoni, to local and more traditional products in via De'Fossi. Tradition can be also discovered through its exquisite cuisine, with dishes like pasta with ragout and bistec alla fiorentina, or its late happy hour drink known as apperitivo.

An ideal place to enjoy a superb meal is the restaurant in Il Salviatino. You will soon realize why it is considered one of the best hotels in Florence. Chef Carmine Caló leads us to an unforgettable journey thanks to the finest local ingredients. Exquisite flavors combined with an elegant presentation and a pleasant ambiance.

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Hotel Il Salviatino is known as one of the best hotels in Florence . Visit us or learn more about Florence in http://salviatino.com