Most women start looking for answers to hair loss problems when it is too late. Hair loss can be easily prevented, through a combination of right diet , good hair care, and avoiding products that damage hair. Unfortunately, most women are not aware that they are risking the health of their hair when they indulge in things like excessive use of heat, overexposure to ultra violet rays, and yo-yo dieting.

Here are some ways to stop your hair from becoming irretrievably damaged.

Balanced Meals

Do not skip meals if you want your locks to be shiny and bountiful. Your food should include whole grain cereals, green vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fish or legumes in order to provide your body with all the nourishment it needs. Remember, your hair, too, needs proteins, vitamins, and minerals; therefore diets that starve your body of nutrients are a strict no-no.

Be Gentle on the Scalp

Ever considered how much stress a woman’s scalp has to tolerate in the course of an ordinary day? Headgear that is too tight slows down blood circulation to the scalp, leading to gradual hair loss. Tying up hair too tightly strains the scalp.

Tie scarves loosely and use hats and caps that are not too small in size. Massage the scalp with fingers every day when you are combing out your hair.

Avoid Unhealthy Styling Products

No matter what advertisers tell you, too much styling damages hair. Excess heat, frequent coloring, and other styling methods are one of the major causes of hair loss. To have naturally shining, healthy hair, you will have to sacrifice your weekly trips to the salon. Ideally, hair should be heat or color treated no more than once every three months.

Avoid Stress

Easier said than done! Stress is bad for health and most of us know that. It is very bad for hair, because it is severely affected by stress. It is common for women to lose hair when they are under high levels of stress for prolonged periods. A little stress, research shows, is unavoidable and it might even boost your performance at work or other endeavors. Too much stress, on the other hand, takes a toll on your body and especially hair.

Protect Hair from UV Rays

Most women know about the harm that ultra violet rays do to their skin. They know it causes wrinkles, dark spots, redness, even skin cancer. They use sun protection cream every time they need to step out in the sun.

What most women do not know, however, is that ultra violet rays are bad for hair too. Spending too much time out in the sun causes the hair to become dull, dry, and brittle. It becomes frizzy and unmanageable. Therefore, when you plan to be outdoors for any significant amount of time, do not forget the hats, scarves, and umbrellas.

To rejuvenate hair, use a good quality hair product such as Keranique hair regrowth system.

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Keranique hair regrowth system includes five products designed to rejuvenate thinning hair. In addition to a hair regrowth formula, the system includes a Keranique shampoo that nourishes and cleans hair. You also get a conditioner that protects hair and makes it soft, and a mousse that helps in easier styling. Finally, there is a Keranique follicle boosting serum that is a gentler alternative to the hair regrowth formula. (Ask the Product Specialist about how to use these products properly).