Pressure Washing Companies work with pretty extreme pressure, temperatures, and some pretty nasty chemicals to do their jobs.

Take into consideration that some deck strippers are rated at 13 on the Ph scale. Some of the acids used are rated at 1 or 2 on the Ph scale.

Think about the amount of damage that 4,000 PSI can cause in inexperienced hands to wood, siding and concrete. Shouldn’t there be some type of protection for consumers against these extremes?

Consumers are protected when legitimate companies share information with each other, work together and help each other. Car trunk pressure washers don’t even have a BUSINESS license now and they don’t care. Misdemeanor? So what? What do they care? They eventually have a breakdown and can’t afford to fix the equipment and go out of business. It’s just like gun laws, make a law against it and the only ones breaking the law are the ones who don’t care about the law anyway.

Does this have more to do with drawing a fence around established companies to make it extremely difficult for someone young like DJ with a lot of ambition, but no money to get into the business? I’m not saying that is your motive Henry, I’m just saying that is the first most obvious motive for anyone suggesting licensing.

When it all boils down there are only a couple of reasons to even consider licensing PW companies. Which of these do you agree with?

1) To raise more money through the state the same way licensing does now. That is why licensing fees are considered a TAX.2) To make it difficult for entry into the business to protect existing interests.

When will we learn?

How many guys who’ve built up good profitable businesses will be knocked out because of past legal problems? How many good, honest businessmen will be regulated out of business? How much more will we have to pay for supplies when your talk about harsh chemicals results in the interference of the government making them almost impossible to get?

What about freon? Anybody used to be able to buy freon. Someone with no evidence claimed it harmed the ozone layer. It was almost 20 years before the claim was proven to be 100% FALSE, but an entire section of government had already been created to deal with a non-existent threat and because of that I can’t even juice up my own air conditioner anymore. AND LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PRICE!!!

You’re asking for the wind. If you get it you will reap the whirlwind.

The chemicals you are speaking of can be purchased by anyone. Licensing pressure washers will do nothing but add another tax that you have to pay each year. This is an open end tax that will do nothing but go up.

Any Joe homeowner can buy a 4000 psi pressure washer. How is licensing PW’ers going to protect them? Because if you have to raise your prices to cover legal expenses and training required by licensing more and more of those poor consumers are going to resort to doing it themselves.

What’s keeping you from getting a contractors license now and pointing out to your customers how more “legit” you are because you are licensed?

I vote no. This is one industry where some one with a little money, a lot of integrity and a lot of ambition can start with nothing and go a long way.

Is licensing currently in the talks or on the agenda? An official stance on this from the UAMCC would be appreciated.

Author's Bio: 

Ryobi Pressure Washer - the great way to maintain your home and garden