"Everything in nature is designed with an innate drive to grow and reproduce. Without this drive, life could not exist. Even before humans appeared on earth, sex and reproduction played a predominant role. The world was inhabited by plants and animals, all of which were designed to reproduce. Without the sexuality of our planet, there would be no support system for animals life and, subsequently, for human life.
Sex is the most competitive force on earth, and in its pure state, like everything in nature, it is totally selfish. When physical and emotional need come together, the result is a very powerful force. Most of the time, people have sex to satisfy these needs, not to have babies; if it weren't for unplanned pregnancies, the world would not be as populated as it is today.
Combined with an insecure ego system, sex can lead to a breakdown in relationships, becoming a self-centred, destructive force that is difficult to control. Whether driven by an insatiable hunger for recognition, power, or identity, it can lead a person to dominate, abuse , and even kill. Coupled with spiritual awareness - that the body is to the earth as the soul is to the universe - our sexual relationships should enhance our sense of well-being and connectedness. We should be able to participate in the most basic physical dance of life without fears or inhibitions.
It is sometimes argued that sex and spirituality are conflicting forces with opposite goals. But how can we claim to be spiritual and not embrace that which gives life? How can we enjoy the beauty of nature if we cannot recognize its sexuality ? Flowers, with their vibrant colours, are designed to attract bees and other insects, drawing them inside to assist with pollination. Birds display their colourful plumage to attract a partner. All of this beauty is designed to guarantee the species' survival.
Just as animals engage in elaborate sexual displays to attract a mate, so do we humans. We groom ourself, decorate our body with jewellery and tattoos, apply makeup and scents, and colour our hair in order to attract or keep a mate, or to make ourself more marketable so as to better provide for ourself and our family . Some of us go even further to enhance our attractiveness, for example, by undergoing painful cosmetic surgeries.
Our sense of our own attractiveness, and hence our self-confidence, is based on how we think others view us. Why else do we check our reflection in the mirror or the shop window as we walk by? Some might argue that we do this just as much for psychological as for sexual reasons - to feel good about ourself, not necessarily to attract anyone - but it boils down to the same thing. We feel good about ourself when we like what we see in the mirror; in other words, when we're confident we look attractive to others. Whether we want to admit it or not, the sexual instinct inspires much of our social behaviour.
Regardless of whether we are sexually active or choose to abstain, the suppression or denial of our sexuality is unhealthy for both our psyche and our physical body. Suppressing the force that brings life and was designed by something much wiser than we can imagine inevitably brings about a reaction within our ego system equal to the strength of the force itself - for example, obsessive behaviour that can build an empire, or destroy one.
It's not surprising that we are preoccupied with sexual matters; the instinct to mate is a fundamental part of our genetic makeup. This doesn't mean we have to reproduce. It does mean that in order to feel good about ourself and grow spiritually, we have to embrace our sexual roots."
Ben Willemsen was born in Rotterdam in 1936 and attended Ship Engineers college in Amsterdam. He immigrated to Canada in 1958 and worked in engineering-related fields and eventually as an industrial designer.
At 40, Ben began having experiences that his logical mind could not explain, demonstrating to him that there was a reality beyond the material world, a non-ordinary reality that influenced our everyday life and, most importantly, gave meaning and purpose to all physical existence. Leaving his engineering profession behind, he embarked on a path of psychic and spiritual development by means of mental disciplines and research. During this period, he was the subject of a two-year long study of diagnostic imagery and distance healing with anthropologist and shamanism expert, Dr. Joan Townsend. Ben taught in Winnipeg, Canada for many years through Continuing Education and Creative Retirement Manitoba and was a guest lecturer at the Universities of Manitoba and Winnipeg.
In 1987, Ben founded the Centre for Human Energy in Winnipeg, Canada where he offered workshops, development groups, and personal and spiritual counseling. In 1999, Ben and his wife Penny opened a new Centre for Human Energy Studies near Halifax, Nova Scotia. Ben is the author of three books about human energy: Don't Water the Stick: The Path of the Psyche (2nd ed., 1998), The Spirit and I: The Evolution of Soul (2nd ed., 2004), and Water Your Roots: Walking a Spiritual Path (2009). Contact Ben by visiting his website at www.humanenergy.net .
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