Do you find yourself approaching retirement age and worrying if you’ll have enough money to last? Many seniors who have retired have gone back to work in order to supplement their retirement income. Some work for minimum wage while others continue at their current job.

Many seniors watched as their 401K Plans and other retirement plans were decimated in the economic crisis. A lifetime of savings and investments simply evaporated with the economic meltdown in 2008. Others were victims of fraud with corporate collapses like Enron or schemes like Bernie Madoff.

The question is, are their alternatives for supplementing retirement income without having to continue to work full time or to work for minimum wage? The answer is absolutely yes! As a senior citizen myself, at the age of 70, I have discovered that internet marketing offers the perfect solution.

To put it simply, internet marketing is buying and selling products via the internet as opposed to shopping at a brick and mortar business. Instead of going to a local store, you can search the internet for what you want and order it online. You simply type in what you’re looking for in your Google tool bar and look through the results.

Internet sales are growing each year as people are becoming more and more comfortable with shopping online. Security is very good so you don’t have to worry about putting your credit card information on the internet. Of course once in awhile you hear about credit card information being stolen, but that happens with regular stores more than internet websites.

What are examples of internet marketing ?

Examples of internet marketing would be Amazon or EBay. These companies are giants in their industry and sell exclusively on the internet. You can go to or and find a large amount of products that you can buy.

Other examples would be companies that have both brick and mortar locations as well as selling via the internet. Examples of these would be stores like Barnes and Noble, Borders Bookstore, Best Buy, etc. In these cases they have several locations as well as selling on the internet.

Today you can go on the internet and order everything from books , toys, clothes, medicine, etc. You can buy almost anything on the internet that you can buy in a brick and mortar store. Often you can get better price buying goods on the internet because sellers don’t have to pay the cost of owning a store somewhere.

The result of more and more people shopping on the internet is that stores like Barnes and Noble and Borders are struggling to make a profit. When you can buy your books cheaper on the internet, many people opt to do so. Think about what’s happened to stores that used to sell music like Tower Records. Many of those have gone by the wayside due to competition from the internet. You can even download music from the internet without leaving your home.

How can senior citizens get started with internet marketing?

There are thousands of individuals marketing products and services on the internet. It isn’t just the large companies that use the internet to sell their products and services. When you search for a particular product or service you will find that the majority of offers are from individuals rather than large companies.

The biggest hurdle that a senior citizen needs to overcome about internet marketing is the belief that it is too complicated to learn. Many feel, as I did in the beginning, that learning how to build a website and market products on the internet is simply too complicated to learn as a senior citizen. It isn’t!

When you follow a proven step by step plan, you quickly find out that it is not only possible, but a great deal of fun. It also gives you the opportunity to keep your mind very active as you learn a new skill. The best news is you can supplement your retirement income on your own time without having to work at a regular job. If you can spend from 4-6 hours per week, you can supplement your income with internet marketing.

Why would senior citizens consider internet marketing?

As a senior citizen myself I can tell you what attracted me to internet marketing. I wanted to be able to earn extra money without working for someone else. I wanted to be able to travel with a laptop computer and still work a few hours here and there when I wanted to. Internet marketing gave me all of that. It can give you the same if you follow a step by step plan. The best news is that you can get started for less than $100 and see how it works.

Author's Bio: John Bergman has been a business coach/consultant for more than two decades. In addition he teaches senior citizens how to increase their retirement income with internet marketing. For more information visit this site: