As human beings, we interpret our environment through our senses. It is reported that 70% of what we experience comes from our eyes. Our sight impacts our experiences more than any of the other senses. Basically, we pay more attention to what we see than what we hear, smell, taste or touch.

A basic concept of feng shui is that everything is comprised of energy or chi. We are constantly giving and receiving chi. We’ve all heard the expression what goes around, comes around. This can be applied to the exchange of chi. What we put out, we get back.

To really know somebody, take a peek at what things they have decided to live with. This exercise is much more revealing than words in a conversation!

From a scientific point of view, all objects are made up of molecules and atoms. These objects give off vibrations and are constantly in motion. Subtle energy permeates everything in our lives, and has a profound effect on how we experience a place.

Feng Shui is about getting in touch with your surroundings. It is about opening your eyes, really taking note of the things in your space, and then investigating how those things make you feel.

The items we live with are an expression of ourselves. By taking inventory, you will be surprised to learn just how revealing your surroundings can be.

It is normal human behavior to stop seeing the obvious after having lived with it for periods of time, so imagine that you are a first time visitor to your home. Put yourself in their shoes (or eyes) as you search for hidden messages and take the time to notice the furniture styles, colors, patterns, accessories and objects of art that make up the design of your home.

We see and respond to shape, form and pathways. Observe how freely you can move through a room, as well as how comfortable you feel when going from room to room. Are there obstacles in your way such as overcrowded furniture that can impede the flow in the room? Gentle movement of chi is the sign of a healthy space. Blocked chi causes disharmony and imbalance.

What we have in our homes can affect us in either a positive or negative way. Having clutter equates to stuck or negative chi. Then again, when you surround yourself with things that you love, positive energies flow and you will feel nourished.

Overcrowding a space not only means having too much stuff, such as piles of paperwork, magazines, books or collectibles, but can also mean having too many patterns, which can be distracting and cause agitation.

Some other not so obvious things to look for that might be having a negative effect include:

Artwork that is gloomy or depicting threatening nature scenes, unhealthy plants, cracked or chipped items, leaky faucets, broken objects or cracked window panes.Investigate how the wall colors in your rooms make you feel.

Colors give off vibrations and everyone reacts differently to those vibrations. Color brings out particular emotions that affect our moods and energy levels, and adding/modifying color is an easy way to change the energy of a space.

When scoping out your space, identify a goal you want to achieve and then figure out what in your environment is working for you or against you.

For instance, suppose you are interested in finding a new partner. Do you still have belongings from previous relationships? Is your bedroom so full of stuff that you do not have ‘space’ for another? Is there access to the bed from both sides? Are your closets so maxed out that you can barely fit another article of clothing? If so, you are not symbolically making room for someone new to come into your life and would benefit by clearing out an area in the closet or at least one dresser drawer.

Feng shui is about your relationship with energy. View your home thru feng shui eyes and become more aware of your surroundings. Creating a personal space of your choosing supports you physically, emotionally and spiritually, and will help you to achieve personal goals.

Author's Bio: 

Susan Tartaglino is a Red Ribbon Professional member of the International Feng Shui Guild.

After training with feng shui master Nancilee Wydra, founder of the Pyramid School of Feng Shui, Susan received her certification through the Feng Shui Institute of America, an international organization founded under the Pyramid School philosophy.

It was during Susan’s residency in Hong Kong in the 1980's that she was first introduced to the concepts of feng shui. Susan has combined her years of feng shui study with her passion for interior and exterior design to help others achieve balance, comfort and inspiration in their environment and in their life.

Other interests include a dedicated yoga practice and spending healing time with nature in her garden.