Every blog maker is looking to increase the traffic on their blog. It’s a difficult thing to do. You need to do something extra so that greater traffic can be driven to your blog. Here are some easy in which you can drive greater traffic to your blog.

Content:The first thing that you need to take care of is the content of your website. It is for sure that not many people will come to your blog to read your story. The page views can only be increase if the story is shared by people who come to your website or you post your stories on a websites which have a large no. of people coming to that website. For example

Digg is such a website on which a lot of people come. If your story is interesting enough, people will share it through various networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. Your page thus stands a chance to be viewed by thousands in this way. This is also termed as viral campaigns. But of course as said earlier, your content should be interesting enough so that people are attracted towards it and would like to share it with their friends and their acquaintances.

Pictures:Pictures are important and a picture says a thousand words. Therefore having good and exclusive photographs increases the traffic to your website. One great thing about pictures is that people also like to share photographs. People are somewhat hypnotized with the photographs and they want that other people also have a look at it. Pictures are a great way to increase the page views of your blog. It has been seen that the offbeat pictures work a great deal. More interesting is the picture, more will be the people coming to your blog.

Stories which draws opinion:It has been seen that the stories which seeks an opinion will drive more traffic. Especially if you contend a popular opinion. People will send you more responses for the stories.

Graphics and Headlines:These are other important ways to increase traffic to your content. The story with good graphics attracts people. Also important are the headlines. It should be attractive so that people are drawn into the topic.

Author's Bio: 

Hi, Vinay here. Enthusiastic blogger and writer. Loves to write on all topics, current trends and hot news.