We have many kinds of recipes in our recipes book and in them, one of the popular recipes categories are seafood recipes, which mainly belongs to particular area and region because of the easy availability of seafoods which are used for food preparation available in that region.

What are seafood recipes???Seafood’s recipes are basically creatures regarded as food considered fit for human consumption. It mainly includes fish, shellfishes, and roe.

Seafood especially the fishes are not only contributing to making our food delicious and tasty, but it is one kind of food which has several health benefits. Comparing with the other non-vegetarian recipes seafood recipes has several health benefits which come in the category of healthy seafood recipes. https://www.indirecipes.com/tag/sea-food-recipes/

Some of the most common and important health benefits from seafood are….
1) Rich in amino acids and rare nutrients
2) Eating fish frequently may lower the risk of heart attack and strokes
3) Good for joints
4) Good for eye health
5) Enhance the glow of skin
6) Improve immunity power
7) Good source of vitamin “D”

This are some of the important health benefits we get by eating fish or seafood, even at least once vegetarians may also feel jealous after knowing the benefits of seafood recipes, but anyways vegetarians have many delicious varieties of vegetarian recipes which also has its own set of health benefits.

But even for non-vegetarians also eating raw fishes is not a good idea or tasty for getting these above health benefits…. we have some of the seafood recipes tips and delicious seafood recipes below which can be cooked at the comfort of your home without much fuss.First, let’s start with the simple yet tasty recipe, perch fish fry recipe.

Perch Fish Fry Recipe...Also known as Prachi in Tamil, Karoopu in Malayalam & Keeli in Kannada is a Wonderful & Delicious fish recipe you can prepare in minutes... The fish is crunchy outside & soft inside and will make you crave for more!! Try this recipe at the comfort of your home.

Like this, we have so many fish recipe which tastes good with the benefits of overall health also.
Check out one more recipe called Pomfret Fish Curry
Pomfret Fish Curry ... Kerala Style Avoli Meen Curry Recipe is a spicy & Tangy curry prepared with Coconut Paste and Kudampuli / Malabar Tamarind; it is one of the authentic Indian curries.
You can enjoy this curry with foods like rice, chapathi, roti etc.
If you are looking for spicy, delicious and snacks or starter type recipe and that too in seafoods which may not look as healthy as most of them would be deep fried in oil but you will not regret trying it as it satisfies your taste buds nicely.

You might have had Chicken Kababs a million times & would have enjoyed it a lot…But have you ever tasted Fish Kababs??? Did you ever know that it tastes equally good or even much better than Chicken kababs???Don’t believe me? Try this Recipe at weekend in your home and let us know how it turned out to you and i can assure you, you will enjoy your Sunday Special so much that you will repeat the recipe and prepare it again… You can find the recipe link below.

We talked about the fish recipes …but here one more recipe from the seafood category which is very popular and favorite among seafood lovers is prawns. Prawns dishes can be enjoyed in various ways and you would love each variation a lot because of its unique taste and flavor.

Our Indian biryanis are world famous and in them, one of the seafood recipe biryani is called Prawns Biryani or Chemmeen Biryani, it is one of the favorite Dish of Seafood lovers with its delicious flavor and taste.
Normally Non-Veg Dishes take time to prepare, but this prawn’s biryani can be cooked in a quick time because prawns require very less marinating time.
Try this tasty Biryani in your Kitchen and enjoy with Raita and Salad.

We mostly find fishes in ponds, rivers, and many in sea etc. India is also known for its variety of recipes, even whether it is in seafood and these foods or recipes changes according to the region because of the fishes or seafood, which are found in that particular area
In them some of the fishing hubs in India are
• Pondicherry
• Goa
• Thiruvananthapuram
• Kolkata
• Vishakapatnam
• Chennai
• Kanyakumari
• Mangalore

But here you will be surprised to know that actually Gujarat and Maharashtra states are 1st and 2nd respectively as the top fishing states in all over India. You might be wondering why most of the people think South Indians cities like Cochin, Pondicherry; Mangalore is famous for the fish recipe and variety of fishes.Here we would like to mention some of the famous fishes or seafood’s which are heavily used in recipes and are very good in taste.

• Perch
• Sardines
• Tuna
• Wild Pollock
• Prawns
• Mahi
• Cod
• Salmon
• White sardine
• Pearl spot fish

We hope you like all the information about the seafood recipes and would definitely try preparing some of the mentioned recipes and enjoy eating it. There are healthier ways to eat seafood with very less oil and you can find those ways by visiting the links mentioned above. Happy Munching…!!!

Author's Bio: 

The purpose of existence of Indirecipes.com is to encourage and lend a helping hand to those enthusiastic food lovers sharing the same passion as us with the timeless, tasty recipes to try it out at the convenience of their kitchen and serve the food and love among their family and friends.The purpose of existence of Indirecipes.com is to encourage and lend a helping hand to those enthusiastic food lovers sharing the same passion as us with the timeless, tasty recipes to try it out at the convenience of their kitchen and serve the food and love among their family and friends.