The incompetence in the kidney’s function to assimilate nutrients and excrete the waste and toxic material leads in the severe pathophysiological complications. The Acute failure of kidneys is only left with the option called dialysis and has been observed more frequent. But our natural alternative medicine , Ayurveda has some useful and highly effective Ayurvedic medicines to say NO TO DIALYSIS.

Obviously, if it helps in avoiding dialysis then saying Yes To Ayurveda is worthy and meaningful. Long back from centuries, about 5000 years back, the Ayurvedic experts have explained the natural cure of kidneys failure. The comprehensive hidden treasure of natural herbs are well acquainted with the normalizing and curing kidney’s defects and abnormalities. So how kidney works and get affected is very well explained in Ayurveda . Therefore, to get the benefits from Ayurvedic treatment one has to understand kidney in terms of Ayurveda .

Ayurveda and Kidney

There are seven vital tissues (Dhatus) present in the body, which help in overall structural development of the body by providing nourishment and strength. Dhatu is a Sanskrit word, which means ‘to support’. The 7 vital dhatus or tissues are; Rasa (plasma), Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscular tissue), Meda (fatty tissue), Asthi (bone and connective tissue), Majja (bone marrow) and Sukra (semen and ova). All of them are nourished by Ahara rasa, which is a digested form of our food. The effective and normal functioning of dhatus is maintained by the Agni (digestive fire), Ojas (body vitality, vigor), Tejas (the fire element) and Prana (vital energy). In general, there is a need of balancing all forms of energy to maintain the proper functioning of the organs present in the body.

In Ayurveda, kidneys are described as Mutra vaha srotas, which has opening from urethra and routed through the ureters. The various doshas (defects) which leads to kidneys impairment are

• Kledaka Kapha: it occurs due to diabetes mellitus and high blood sugar levels
• Avalambaka Kapha: Thrombosis in blood vessels due to bad circulation• Apana Vayu: Gastro-intestinal disturbances and kidney disorder like cystitis, stones etc.
• Ranjaka Pitta: Liver disorders

The various components in the urine present are metabolic wastes such as urea, dissolved salts and organic materials. In kidney, the final process of reabsorption of essential molecules is done. The remaining fluid containing high concentrations of urea and other wastes or potentially toxic substances are removed from the body. The person with Vatta Dosha is indicated with light or pale yellow urine, whereas in a Pitta dosha is observed as strong yellow urine.

Other factors resulting in Kidney failure are;

• Excessive intake of vitamin B and C
• Liver diseases like jaundice, cirrhosis and hepatitis• Damage in inner lining of the ureter or bladder, or tissue damage inside the kidney, observed as blood in urine
• Cystitis (bladder infection) and pyelitis (inflammation of the kidney pelvis).

Ayurveda strictly emphasizes on the balanced life style and diet according to the body constitution. Seasonal and environmental factors affecting health. In addition, Ayurvedic medicines or therapies are also involved to effectively treat the chronic kidney failure and avoid dialysis.

• Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris): It is Ayurveda's one of the best herbs described to treat kidneys. It helps in maintaining efficient functioning of kidney and urinary tract. It acts as coolant, soothes walls of urinary tract and promote the flow of urine. It also removes stones, stops bleeding and exhibits the antiseptic effect. It nourishes and strengthen the kidneys and reproductive organs. It is highly effective in the treatment of cystitis, renal calculi (kidney stones), incontinence, gout and impotence.

• Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa): It stops edema, anemia and oliguria. It ensures proper functioning of liver and improves digestion by maintaining healthy metabolism and effectively removes toxins from the body. In Ayurveda, it has been described as an important rejuvenative herbal medicine.

• Palaash (Butea monosperma): It is also known as ‘flame of forest’. It is a very beautiful tree bearing red flowers and produces very effective results in treating kidney problems. It acts as urinary alkaliser, relieves from pain during micturition, and natural cure for renal failure.

• Rakt Chandan (P. santalinus): It also acts a urinary alkaliser, diuretic, anti-infective and acts as coolant agent to urinary tract.

It is therefore required to keep kidney healthy and cleaned. The most probable factor is the proper diet consideration and regular physical activities. Make sure to drink at least 1½ liters of water a day to flush out the toxins. Diets are recommended which pacify Vatta-Pita doshas.

To keep kidneys healthy and clean, one has to be committed for his lifestyle, healthy food and exercises. Including Ayurvedic herbs to treat Kidney diseases are the foreseen transformation in overall health of kidney and avoiding dialysis. Definitely, using Ayurvedic medicines under strict supervision of an Ayurvedic practitioner will result in no to dialysis and yes to Ayurvedic medicines for kidney failure.


Author's Bio: 

Dr. Vikram Chauhan is an Ayurvedic practitioner based in Mohali, India. He is spreading the knowledge of ancient healing treatment Ayurveda, not only in India but also abroad. He is CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic and Krishna Herbal Company. Read more